The rising cost of gas is creating a whole new culture. They are a group of people that will run from one side of town, to another side of town for cheaper gas. When in the long run, they saved around two dollars for their hard works. They are wide-eyed, fast moving, competitive, not always friendly, and have a tendency to not care what it takes to go before you in line. I am talking about the culture of people that can not help the musical beat they feel inside of ~"Got To Get That Gas!" Ooh! Lets not forget the person with the lawnmower. I understand when a landscaping company would send the whole crew over for filling up, if the price is rising but, one man, one mower? Really? Seriously?Why Now?...
If you feel the need to be in line at the gas pumps follow these tips, with the mass pandemonium of "gas geeks"; be smart, be kind, be patient, and try not to get caught up in media hype too much. The increase in gas is a serious issue. We do need to make differences and pay attention. If we are complaining then we need to do something about it! Be involved. Just remember that the media can and will have an impact on what you do. They usually do. If you need gas, go and get some. Don't run to the gas station because you are afraid it is going to rise another few cents in an hour, when you only need a few gallons to fill it up. The guy with the single lawnmower at pump 8, You should have brought the gas can instead of the actual mower. I'm just sayin.....
"Have a weekend that makes you walk with more pride in how you carry yourself. Stand up a little straighter. Ahh...You look Smashing! It ends up making you feel better when you approach life looking right at it...Now go see what you can out there and walk like there is a party up ahead"...~
Explanation of Gas Geeks: This is just a loving term I us to reference the passionate people that are focused on fuel. We have them in all fields within industries. Best Buy Company, refers to their "Geek Squad" of help for tech lovers. No intent was to harm any animals or offend anyone that hordes gas...Kidding..can't help it sometimes...Keeping it light.~

lifecoachurself... the "UR" stands for "You Are," everything you need to be within yourself. You are an intrinsic part of the tapestry that carpets our universe. The couch is here for you to rest and relax. I hope to create more positive energy in your life and stimulate personal growth. Use positive influences to "Life Coach" yourself. "Help me, Help you"...
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Your World's Family Needs Just A Moment
The Family Needs You For A Moment. You have one of the warmest hearts sailing through our universe. So I figured "Why not? We are not afraid to ask you for one of your moments today. If we could speak to each other in our hearts and to what is divine to our souls, we may help create a sense of calm for the ones dealing with the severe storms that are barreling through the United States today. I had went through this storm myself on Wednesday. It was very frightening! I believe that you can be a key element to calming the storm...
Your interest in humanity makes you a key player today. I will never ask much from you. "I only want people to unite together with love and compassion for all of humanity." I am asking that you give your "World's Family" a moment of your time with thought today. I am so lucky to have people like you that care so much about others. It can seem as if we take a big step forward in humanity, and then something makes us take a baby step back. It's OK with us! We will take such a strong firm step forward each time we move. That way we only get set back a tiny bit. We will adapt to anything! We will keep moving forward and with our connection it is a "Win-Win"... "If we give up, that bad guy wins."...
Remember to step strong, step with style, step with class, and don't let anyone give you grief over your shoes! I think you need a new pair. Oh Wait, thats my shoes...pfft" Ok, so get to steppin...
"Thanks for stopping by and have a beautiful experience with life today"...
Your interest in humanity makes you a key player today. I will never ask much from you. "I only want people to unite together with love and compassion for all of humanity." I am asking that you give your "World's Family" a moment of your time with thought today. I am so lucky to have people like you that care so much about others. It can seem as if we take a big step forward in humanity, and then something makes us take a baby step back. It's OK with us! We will take such a strong firm step forward each time we move. That way we only get set back a tiny bit. We will adapt to anything! We will keep moving forward and with our connection it is a "Win-Win"... "If we give up, that bad guy wins."...
Remember to step strong, step with style, step with class, and don't let anyone give you grief over your shoes! I think you need a new pair. Oh Wait, thats my shoes...pfft" Ok, so get to steppin...
"Thanks for stopping by and have a beautiful experience with life today"...
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Help Donate Rice For Free...It's True!
Just by going to a website you can help put an end to world hunger. I was first introduced to this site by someone at the college. It is a wonderful vessel to help put an end to world hunger. Everything starts with an idea. Lets keep that ideal by not allowing anyone in our worlds family to go hungry...
The facts are frightening:
- There are at least 925 million undernourished people in the world right now.
- Included in key causes of hunger are natural disasters, poverty, economic crises and more.
- Today, one in 7 people do not get enough food to be healthy and lead an active life.(making malnutrition the number 1 health risk worldwide. Greater than Aids-Malaria and Tuberculosis combined)
I'm Just Sayin...
"Have a wonderful day and please feed the world, one rice click at a time."
(It becomes addicting when you start adding the rice to your plate)
To learn more about World Hunger:
To learn more about World Hunger:
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
You Have Such A Big Family
I think you will admire the concept of this video. I adore them and wanted to give them a shout-out of love.~ I appreciate what you do at Random. Enjoy family of humanity...
One of the Best websites on the i-highway
I was Tardy for The Party
I wanted to apologize for being tardy in my post today. The problem was I could not find my shoe. The left one was missing and I think the dog took it. I don't even have a dog! All the silly things that could happen this morning did. Its ok.~ I went with the flow...
I did not want to short-change the meaning of the last post by making it real brief. I tried to do my best for you. It is a lovely story to an angel of humanity.
Have a day that makes you smile more. What can you do to have that happen? Skeet...skont...skee-daddle...Go do it... : )
I did not want to short-change the meaning of the last post by making it real brief. I tried to do my best for you. It is a lovely story to an angel of humanity.
Have a day that makes you smile more. What can you do to have that happen? Skeet...skont...skee-daddle...Go do it... : )
She Picked Life and Not Her Nose
"You sit at a stop in traffic and are waiting for your turn to go. You glance in the rear view mirror and take a once over. You know, for anything in your teeth, hair, makeup, a pimple that is starting to make you paranoid. The things we do in our cars while idle. Occasionally, you can catch that nose picker without them being aware of it. You know that they are trying to be casual about what they are doing but, you SAW IT! This was not the case on Monday. The person in this car was paying attention to more than the traffic and their nose...
Out of nowhere this young boy was approaching the intersection to cross the street. School had let out and the fella had his book-bag strapped to his back while trudging through the rain. His jacket was hanging over his head and draped down his back like a cape. He was too small to be Batman but, he could pass for Robin! He was covered fairly well but, this kid was soaked to the bone. It had been pouring all day long...
"We all know that we need to pay detailed attention when driving right? Right! It's basic Driving 101. The driver in the silver Chrysler, Sebring, must have got a Gold Star in their drivers class!"...
They had all the basics down pat! They were looking diligently at the traffic they were about to merge into. All of the sudden this light flashed from the inside of the car! It was so beautiful that it illuminated the whole sky! The clouds disappeared and the scene became a trailer to a movie."...
Instead of picking their nose at a stop sign, the person in the car picked life! They were truly living life. They were present and conscious in their environment. I think the big majority of drivers can say they have came across someone picking their nose at a stop. We chuckle and think to ourselves how gross that is until, we have something bothering our nostril. "OK, I won't go there." As I sat there waiting my turn to go behind this gray car, I couldn't help notice the hesitation at the stop sign. The weather was nasty and it was hard to see... Until the rainbow came shooting from one side of the street to the other...
All of the sudden I heard music playing and this light was becoming blinding from the Silver Chrysler Sebring, ahead of me. Out of nowhere, this young fella walking in the rain, that appeared to have been around twelve to fourteen years old TOPS, was crossing at the crosswalk, spoke to the driver of this amazing car, so I figured...
My thought was that it was a kid walking home because their ride was late. (The ride found the young man and he was going to get into the car.) That's not what happened at all! An arm stretched out the drivers window as the young man was walking to cross the intersection. It was almost as if they were playing music together...~ ~ ~ (it sounded lovely) He took something from the driver and walked quickly, around the back of the car. It became musical and spiritual. This young man approached the corner, walking with the rhythm that he had set in his stride to get home. Without missing a beat, he walked up to the window of the car in front of me and took something from the driver. As I waited for this young man to jump into the car with his (again, assumed his ride was late) he walked around the back of the car to get around it and, keep on walking. In the rain...
All of the sudden I heard music playing and this light was becoming blinding from the Silver Chrysler Sebring, ahead of me. Out of nowhere, this young fella walking in the rain, that appeared to have been around twelve to fourteen years old TOPS, was crossing at the crosswalk, spoke to the driver of this amazing car, so I figured...
My thought was that it was a kid walking home because their ride was late. (The ride found the young man and he was going to get into the car.) That's not what happened at all! An arm stretched out the drivers window as the young man was walking to cross the intersection. It was almost as if they were playing music together...~ ~ ~ (it sounded lovely) He took something from the driver and walked quickly, around the back of the car. It became musical and spiritual. This young man approached the corner, walking with the rhythm that he had set in his stride to get home. Without missing a beat, he walked up to the window of the car in front of me and took something from the driver. As I waited for this young man to jump into the car with his (again, assumed his ride was late) he walked around the back of the car to get around it and, keep on walking. In the rain...
They were living in the moment. It may have been nasty outside with the gray cloudy sky, pouring rain, thunder, lightning, and wind but, this car made the whole street light up with its Random Act of Kindness...
When the child was walking through the rain for whatever reason to get home, he found a rainbow. The blast of colorful light caught my attention, as it shined upon that young man. Like a symphony plays in synchronization,~ so was the beautiful connection of the young man and the Silver Sebring...
Many parents feel guilt for not being able to be there when their child has to endure things like that. Working schedules, transportation, and many other valid reasons cause a child to have to walk home from school. I hope you do not judge the parents of this young man. I have faith in humanity they felt so bad about him having to walk home. I also have faith that they will be so thankful to that stranger for caring about someone other than themselves. We are all family. They were just lookin out...~
"Thank You Chrysler Sebring! If I were a millionaire I would buy you a new car. Yours was nice but a little older. You were so kind to give the young man that nice umbrella. "You used your spiritual instrument to play in a beautiful harmony with this young man." I appreciate you giving him something positive to believe about humanity. Thank you for being their and loving life of all people."
When the child was walking through the rain for whatever reason to get home, he found a rainbow. The blast of colorful light caught my attention, as it shined upon that young man. Like a symphony plays in synchronization,~ so was the beautiful connection of the young man and the Silver Sebring...
Many parents feel guilt for not being able to be there when their child has to endure things like that. Working schedules, transportation, and many other valid reasons cause a child to have to walk home from school. I hope you do not judge the parents of this young man. I have faith in humanity they felt so bad about him having to walk home. I also have faith that they will be so thankful to that stranger for caring about someone other than themselves. We are all family. They were just lookin out...~
"Thank You Chrysler Sebring! If I were a millionaire I would buy you a new car. Yours was nice but a little older. You were so kind to give the young man that nice umbrella. "You used your spiritual instrument to play in a beautiful harmony with this young man." I appreciate you giving him something positive to believe about humanity. Thank you for being their and loving life of all people."
Monday, April 25, 2011
Take The Pinkie Swear X
Beware! I am about to ask you for the "Pinkie Swear X." I was pondering the idea of commitments. They are hard sometimes. Do you commit to keeping life fun? Random? Goofy? The silly side of life. It would be awesome if you took the " pinkie swear" for me today and agree to giving yourself time to truly enjoy life. "Be silly and allow yourself to make a mess. "Providing you remember that you do have to clean it up afterwards."... : )
By having silly fun it adds a little flava~ to your personal growth. I do enjoy a good spontaneous pillow fight! The ones that catch you by surprise...
Now repeat after me :
By having silly fun it adds a little flava~ to your personal growth. I do enjoy a good spontaneous pillow fight! The ones that catch you by surprise...
Now repeat after me :
- I do solemnly swear (your name here), to be a goof-ball at random moments.
- I swear to hold more pillow fights (not too extreme but, with spirit) and laugh as often as I can.
- I promise to always try (remember to try) to think of the positive side of any situation.
Let me say that just reading along with this post today was pretty cool of you. Your being open to just filling your mind of positive perspectives on things proves means you are growing! No matter where you get your inspiration and information from, I am proud of you. If you say it out loud it may help you more to water your seeds of life. Either way I am happy about your journey that you are embarking on...You my friend are very cool~
Take a random silly moment today and laugh with someone... You can be pretty funny ya know!
"Now Run be free...Go for that awesome pillow cluster of fun! At least make sure it is a good smelling pillow. Sometimes that drool and sweat can linger and if you get hit by one of those,-phew-....I'm just sayin, its ON!".... ************************************************O ( those are my feathers from the pillow being left behind in my DUST~ your it...~
Take a random silly moment today and laugh with someone... You can be pretty funny ya know!
"Now Run be free...Go for that awesome pillow cluster of fun! At least make sure it is a good smelling pillow. Sometimes that drool and sweat can linger and if you get hit by one of those,-phew-....I'm just sayin, its ON!".... ************************************************O ( those are my feathers from the pillow being left behind in my DUST~ your it...~
Friday, April 22, 2011
A Boogie Without The Tissue
A Boogie Bunny. Humm.. Does he have boogies? Is this one of those kind of videos that get you into watching it and it turns out to be about snot?
Most of the time your safe in watching. You still have to be careful though. If not there could be snot everywhere! That could be funny. :) This is just something that I found funny for Easter. It gives it a little lighter feel to your emotions. We all address mortality more at this time. There are many things that go into our thoughts. Trying to process all of it can be overwhelming. It's ok! :)
Remember, take Baby Steps. If you ever feel overwhelmed remember, I am here for you. I really am. I know you are going to be great! Just slow it down a tad. Listen to your heart and soul. I want you to also laugh and be silly this weekend. It is important to honor the spirit inside that you were gifted with. I just wanted to give you a lighter note to play your musical instrument of life to. "Oh...listen...You sound amazing"~
Enjoy~ and Happy Easter~
Most of the time your safe in watching. You still have to be careful though. If not there could be snot everywhere! That could be funny. :) This is just something that I found funny for Easter. It gives it a little lighter feel to your emotions. We all address mortality more at this time. There are many things that go into our thoughts. Trying to process all of it can be overwhelming. It's ok! :)
Remember, take Baby Steps. If you ever feel overwhelmed remember, I am here for you. I really am. I know you are going to be great! Just slow it down a tad. Listen to your heart and soul. I want you to also laugh and be silly this weekend. It is important to honor the spirit inside that you were gifted with. I just wanted to give you a lighter note to play your musical instrument of life to. "Oh...listen...You sound amazing"~
Enjoy~ and Happy Easter~
Good Friday For Everyone
I always encourage you to experience life outside the internet each week. I do this on the weekends. This is how I stay (try) organized with my family and work. I wanted to make sure and post this for you in case you disembark this weekend from the fabulous connection of the i-highway.
If you do not take part in certain holidays, I respect you.
For anyone who does take part in the holidays at hand
I wanted to share this with you today. Enjoy life~
Happy Easter and God Bless...
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Maundy Thursday
What is Maundy Thursday? That's what I said! I felt like a goober. I have a sister that lives in England and I was not familiar with this whole tradition. We get information so easy with technology today. There is access to learning about things everywhere! Why didn't I know about this tradition? This is a historical holiday!
Maundy Thursday is observed the week before Easter. The various denominations celebrate in their own ways during this time. Some do not call it a celebration, rather a dark shadow that surrounded betrayal. It is interesting.
The fact remains that there are primary principals of what is important on this day to those who take part. The Last Supper took place the night before Jesus was crucified.
My sister is very cool. She gets it. She knows that life for everyone is so flippin fast! Linda knows I love her with all of my heart.~ She knows how life is for all of us trying to just keep up. This whole article I found made me think about her. I was embarrassed with my sister living overseas that I had not taken more time to understand her life's environment. I am a christian and understand holiday meanings. However, I was not aware of the whole "Purse" thing. Of course, she called me a nerd... Don't misunderstand. We are very close. It's OK. She understands I am a goober. : ) yeah me~
Think about your goober-ness and the need to keep learning all kinds of things. There is some really cool stuff out there! "This helps us grow. I like growing...~ Unless its in my mid-section. That's another post."...
Now hear this! I want you to "get your cool on".~ Yep! Get your goober mind going and look into something that your not familiar with today. You know I am gonna say it. Nerds Unite! No, just kidding but, I am gonna go there... I Triple Dog Dare Ya~
"Empowerment through education of all things in life is what makes your sun shine."
How bright are you shinning? Ohhh, you go....I think I have to get my sunglasses on now...Shine it~Shine it~... We learn from each other. Take some goober time to check out this link on the information about Maundy Thursday. I was so proud of the Queen for getting out among the people of her country. She seemed to be so genuinely happy with what was taking place. This made her all of the sudden to seem really cool...
Maundy Thursday is observed the week before Easter. The various denominations celebrate in their own ways during this time. Some do not call it a celebration, rather a dark shadow that surrounded betrayal. It is interesting.
The fact remains that there are primary principals of what is important on this day to those who take part. The Last Supper took place the night before Jesus was crucified.
- Jesus washed the feet of his disciples to remind them to remain humble. He took his time to give them a sense of love and support for each other. It was through his acts that he demonstrated how important it was and how good it feels to love each other. Be humble...
- Passover was a time for breaking bread and drinking wine that was blessed by God. The bread is to represent Jesus giving of his body. The win represents his blood. A reminder of the covenant. He is giving his blood for us.
My sister is very cool. She gets it. She knows that life for everyone is so flippin fast! Linda knows I love her with all of my heart.~ She knows how life is for all of us trying to just keep up. This whole article I found made me think about her. I was embarrassed with my sister living overseas that I had not taken more time to understand her life's environment. I am a christian and understand holiday meanings. However, I was not aware of the whole "Purse" thing. Of course, she called me a nerd... Don't misunderstand. We are very close. It's OK. She understands I am a goober. : ) yeah me~
Think about your goober-ness and the need to keep learning all kinds of things. There is some really cool stuff out there! "This helps us grow. I like growing...~ Unless its in my mid-section. That's another post."...
Now hear this! I want you to "get your cool on".~ Yep! Get your goober mind going and look into something that your not familiar with today. You know I am gonna say it. Nerds Unite! No, just kidding but, I am gonna go there... I Triple Dog Dare Ya~
"Empowerment through education of all things in life is what makes your sun shine."
How bright are you shinning? Ohhh, you go....I think I have to get my sunglasses on now...Shine it~Shine it~... We learn from each other. Take some goober time to check out this link on the information about Maundy Thursday. I was so proud of the Queen for getting out among the people of her country. She seemed to be so genuinely happy with what was taking place. This made her all of the sudden to seem really cool...
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Red and The Pledge
A member of my community had posted this on our local papers website.
I remembered Red Skelton and his funny antics from my childhood. My father used to laugh so hard as he watched him on television. As a child it was always nice to see your parents laugh.~ After I had started to watch the video, my thoughts went beyond my dad...
One person in the community was touched by this and they wanted to share it. You see how the tinkle of life went there? Their post went on to empower me today! I want to do the same for you. "I am an American. I am proud to be an American. Everyone should be proud of who they are. I love all of my brothers and sisters of all cultures!" "We Are Family"~
"In this crazy life you make me sing"~
Enjoy your moments out there~ God Bless All
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Valerie. I am a “HUGE” believer of positive humanistic psychology. People say that there are always two sides to a story. This is true! The other side of negative is POSITIVE! It is all simple logic. The task of implementing what we know we should do is not an easy one. Look at life in a positive way? Sure! I can do that! Not everyday though. Things happen and sometimes things are just crappy. How we handle those things though will determine how the rest of your flow is going to go!
Let the negativity from others get under your skin and you can fire it back like no other! That would not be the best result in the end. I believe as we get older we tend to become wiser and look at life differently for all sorts of reasons. We become more understanding. We can often become more impatient. It is a double edged sword.
When you leave a place that is filled with positive attitude it can only help but make you more positive in your life! It is all about your environment. My goal is to help create the kind of environment that can be beneficial to your stressors, give some laughter, understanding, support, and occasional pillow fights; just to keep the fun-factor high, and much more.
If we do this together it will be our place. It is not just one sided here. It is a community garden of beautiful seeds we are going to plant as a team! With communication between us all it is a win-win situation.
Your patience is greatly appreciated with the new transit of this blog and I promise not to let you down!
(there will be more about me soon)
Let the negativity from others get under your skin and you can fire it back like no other! That would not be the best result in the end. I believe as we get older we tend to become wiser and look at life differently for all sorts of reasons. We become more understanding. We can often become more impatient. It is a double edged sword.
When you leave a place that is filled with positive attitude it can only help but make you more positive in your life! It is all about your environment. My goal is to help create the kind of environment that can be beneficial to your stressors, give some laughter, understanding, support, and occasional pillow fights; just to keep the fun-factor high, and much more.
If we do this together it will be our place. It is not just one sided here. It is a community garden of beautiful seeds we are going to plant as a team! With communication between us all it is a win-win situation.
Your patience is greatly appreciated with the new transit of this blog and I promise not to let you down!
(there will be more about me soon)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Being Tested Again
I just wanted to say thank you for your very kind patience on this blog.
There are a few kinks in my blog template. I have been working to rectify these bumps. One of the problems is the "Read More" link. I wanted you to know that it is being addressed and I will take care of it as soon as I know the answer. You guys are wonderful. See how we help each other and don't even know it? Here I am posting to you about my patience and I am thanking you for yours. You helped remind me... Thank you very much, from the bottom of my heart. Now skeet~skont~skeedaddle~!
"Work those pixels in your life's image today"~Valerie...
There are a few kinks in my blog template. I have been working to rectify these bumps. One of the problems is the "Read More" link. I wanted you to know that it is being addressed and I will take care of it as soon as I know the answer. You guys are wonderful. See how we help each other and don't even know it? Here I am posting to you about my patience and I am thanking you for yours. You helped remind me... Thank you very much, from the bottom of my heart. Now skeet~skont~skeedaddle~!
"Work those pixels in your life's image today"~Valerie...
Front Register Needs Assistance
One of the best tools you can use to life coach for yourself is to ask one question. "Why?" Why is this lady taking forever to get through the line at the check-out? I mean, she is really slowing this line down. I understand she is an elderly woman. The look of her appears to be around early eighties. Today who can tell? She was cute as a button though. Her pink cheeks and short gray hair with a white sweater, made you just want to give her a hug. "You may be cute grandma but, your backing up the line!" I was not mad. However, I was not lets say...umm...happy...
As I stood there watching the cashier try to help this gal scan her debit card, I was patient. The elderly man in front of me that appeared to be in his early seventies.His baggy blue jeans were held up by a belt and his plaid shirt with tints of blue made is eyes sparkle, he was too was patient. The more the cashier tried, the slower it got! How hard is this? Scan the card, sign and go... I looked at the clock on my cell phone and I have to admit made a sigh.~ I was getting late for where I needed to be! There was only one other checkout open and the express lane. I had too many items for the express lane. I looked up at the elderly woman again to see if she was done. After I had been passing the time trying to look at the magazines on display, they were finally finishing her up and we were MOVING! Sweet! I was happy again to keep moving on with what I had to do. Then the elderly woman did something that only could knock you back into that pile of (make ya feel like crap goo) feeling, by doing something that I knew I was gonna get it! I knew it was coming. She was looking right at us all standing there. She knew it was taking a long time. And then she did it!..
She looked up at all of us behind her and said; "Thank you for being patient." She had to go there. She had to be a sweet soul. Now I feel like doo-doo. Thanks lady. Now there is officially "Crap" in the store. If you listen closely, you can hear them say " Clean up, Register 1, Crap in the line!" Don't get me wrong. It wasn't that mass pandemonium was breaking out because she was taking a lot longer in line but, it was one of those times that things were just not going like they usually do. There is a rhythm that we get used to in life. When it gets bounced out of our normalcy we can find irritation in the small things. It felt like a whole day was passing! OK, maybe not that bad. She got us though! The little old gal won the award on human spirit in that moment. Even someone that is one of the most optimistic people you could ever meet, a real nice soul, such as myself, does get frustrated over little stuff like everyone else out there sometimes...
This is one of those times that it could have been you up there holding that line up. There could be someone behind you that has somewhere more critical to be than you did. In the end... It was no big deal! The earth wasn't devastated. We were alive! How could I get frustrated over something so little and silly? Because I am human, that's why. However, how I handle this next will attach itself to the structure of who I am and want to be in life...
Thinking about things a little deeper can help your reflection of the whole situation. Because I had some reflection on my situation at the store, I will make sure to think about how bad they feel up there ahead. Being in the front of the line that is taking for-ev-er...
"Now run! Be free! Do what you need to do today! And if your feelin up to at a senior citizen today! Do something for them. Take their trash out, cut their grass, anything (big or small). They were you at one time. Everyone has a story inside them. Remember to respect their novel of life and appreciate humanity. They have more life skills to-date than you know. Respect the sweet pink cheeks of the world! God love em~"
As I stood there watching the cashier try to help this gal scan her debit card, I was patient. The elderly man in front of me that appeared to be in his early seventies.His baggy blue jeans were held up by a belt and his plaid shirt with tints of blue made is eyes sparkle, he was too was patient. The more the cashier tried, the slower it got! How hard is this? Scan the card, sign and go... I looked at the clock on my cell phone and I have to admit made a sigh.~ I was getting late for where I needed to be! There was only one other checkout open and the express lane. I had too many items for the express lane. I looked up at the elderly woman again to see if she was done. After I had been passing the time trying to look at the magazines on display, they were finally finishing her up and we were MOVING! Sweet! I was happy again to keep moving on with what I had to do. Then the elderly woman did something that only could knock you back into that pile of (make ya feel like crap goo) feeling, by doing something that I knew I was gonna get it! I knew it was coming. She was looking right at us all standing there. She knew it was taking a long time. And then she did it!..
She looked up at all of us behind her and said; "Thank you for being patient." She had to go there. She had to be a sweet soul. Now I feel like doo-doo. Thanks lady. Now there is officially "Crap" in the store. If you listen closely, you can hear them say " Clean up, Register 1, Crap in the line!" Don't get me wrong. It wasn't that mass pandemonium was breaking out because she was taking a lot longer in line but, it was one of those times that things were just not going like they usually do. There is a rhythm that we get used to in life. When it gets bounced out of our normalcy we can find irritation in the small things. It felt like a whole day was passing! OK, maybe not that bad. She got us though! The little old gal won the award on human spirit in that moment. Even someone that is one of the most optimistic people you could ever meet, a real nice soul, such as myself, does get frustrated over little stuff like everyone else out there sometimes...
This is one of those times that it could have been you up there holding that line up. There could be someone behind you that has somewhere more critical to be than you did. In the end... It was no big deal! The earth wasn't devastated. We were alive! How could I get frustrated over something so little and silly? Because I am human, that's why. However, how I handle this next will attach itself to the structure of who I am and want to be in life...
Thinking about things a little deeper can help your reflection of the whole situation. Because I had some reflection on my situation at the store, I will make sure to think about how bad they feel up there ahead. Being in the front of the line that is taking for-ev-er...
"Now run! Be free! Do what you need to do today! And if your feelin up to at a senior citizen today! Do something for them. Take their trash out, cut their grass, anything (big or small). They were you at one time. Everyone has a story inside them. Remember to respect their novel of life and appreciate humanity. They have more life skills to-date than you know. Respect the sweet pink cheeks of the world! God love em~"
Monday, April 18, 2011
New Apps 4Peeps
You can download yourself the best; app, gadget, widget, gizmo, to your real self. It's for "Peeps." Ok it is for people. It's awesome! A real downloadable application to make you feel good whenever you want! It is right outside your very own door. A phone call away! It’s that easy! People want to complain about jobs being taken out of their community. I feel your pain. I honestly do. It has hit close to home for me. I understand that there are some things we need to buy outside of our local area. We do need each other in the world. However, if you start to make a choice to buy locally, you can make a difference in your town and in yourself. It’s true! I pinkie swear!(x) However, your local family needs you too. I needed my community family and I didn’t even know it…
My community watched over resources and made a plan to help me if I needed them in any way. They encouraged me to move forward and were an intrinsic part of my success. I have been asked to be on advisory councils, advisory panels, and became an advocate for passionate issues. This has opened up a door to a relationship with National Women’s Law Association for me. I am so happy to have them as my community. I want you to find that same connection that can change your life in some way. The smallest ways have often the biggest impacts. I encourage you, no wait... "I Triple Dog Dare" ya, to go find out what it can do for your inner spirit. The inner-spirit, inner-body, inner-mind, whatever it is that you are searching for it could be there. Your hobby could be another persons dream…
Imagine this…If you are buying local, then the money that you spend is more likely to stay in your community. The truth is that there are many leaders in our community’s that do love their hometown and its people. They care about what it stands for! What our fathers fought for! They do it because of the love in their hearts for fellow humanity. There are many good reasons to get involved in your community. I have found a wonderful website as a tool for you to research. http://http//
After looking at the site I hope you look into downloading that personal community application to your own dashboard of life. The application allows you to remind yourself to get out there and be a part of the life going on around you and your family. It is your town. Don't give it away. The New APP for People. Steve Jobs can't touch this one peeps! It's all you...
“Inspire your desire. Make an effort to do what you always think your going to do someday. Just get started! Baby steps is good. One thing at a time. They appreciate you and I know you will appreciate their works. Keep moving forward and smiling at the sun! It smiles back ya know.”
Sofa Update:
Good job on the coffee cup situation btw…“however, could someone make sure to check for their socks when they leave. Their was some gym socks under the couch. It wasn’t pretty for a while. It’s ok, I have fabreeze.~ just fyi.”
My community watched over resources and made a plan to help me if I needed them in any way. They encouraged me to move forward and were an intrinsic part of my success. I have been asked to be on advisory councils, advisory panels, and became an advocate for passionate issues. This has opened up a door to a relationship with National Women’s Law Association for me. I am so happy to have them as my community. I want you to find that same connection that can change your life in some way. The smallest ways have often the biggest impacts. I encourage you, no wait... "I Triple Dog Dare" ya, to go find out what it can do for your inner spirit. The inner-spirit, inner-body, inner-mind, whatever it is that you are searching for it could be there. Your hobby could be another persons dream…
Imagine this…If you are buying local, then the money that you spend is more likely to stay in your community. The truth is that there are many leaders in our community’s that do love their hometown and its people. They care about what it stands for! What our fathers fought for! They do it because of the love in their hearts for fellow humanity. There are many good reasons to get involved in your community. I have found a wonderful website as a tool for you to research. http://http//
After looking at the site I hope you look into downloading that personal community application to your own dashboard of life. The application allows you to remind yourself to get out there and be a part of the life going on around you and your family. It is your town. Don't give it away. The New APP for People. Steve Jobs can't touch this one peeps! It's all you...
“Inspire your desire. Make an effort to do what you always think your going to do someday. Just get started! Baby steps is good. One thing at a time. They appreciate you and I know you will appreciate their works. Keep moving forward and smiling at the sun! It smiles back ya know.”
Sofa Update:
Good job on the coffee cup situation btw…“however, could someone make sure to check for their socks when they leave. Their was some gym socks under the couch. It wasn’t pretty for a while. It’s ok, I have fabreeze.~ just fyi.”
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Bent Not Broken
A good friend of mine was talking to me the other day outside her home in the country. Teresa has a huge garden! There are barns, cats, dogs, trucks, tractors, trailers, pick-up trucks, flower beds, you name it and its a country atmosphere. Teresa is a proud Texan! One of the strongest women I have the honor of calling my friend. We were standing outside in the fresh air and surrounded by nature discussing life and moving forward. I told her that I did not want to let anyone down that was reading my blog. I was afraid of being a failure, a hypocrite that could not take her own advice about positive thinking, a big loser in the attempt of helping others. If I fail at helping people on my own accord, then I am a waste of energy. After all, who was I? (That is a whole other Oprah show...) I am genuine about helping others. However, sometimes I have my doubts on where I am supposed to be in my life...
We all have our own trunk of issues. We all have stuff. Those are the moments in our library that we would rather just delete. That is not so easy to do. However, how you handle it does! Teresa said;"she may be bent at times but, never broken." Then it hit me! "We are not broken as long as we are willing to keep moving forward in our lives and bend during the storms"...I love this analogy!
So remind yourself that you are not broken and are just bent a little sometimes. OK, we are bent more than we want to be on occasion. We can get down-right crooked into that Yoga position that makes us scream "UNCLE!" But, it is OK to be upside down with your inner self sometimes. It sounds corny to some. The inner self and what it means but, you don't know it until you have tried it. There is true meaning in everything you look at. Try not to judge the idea and take look at what is inside of you. Are you bent a little? We won't let you break. What can you do a little house cleaning on? After all, it is spring! A time for spring cleaning isn't it?
Use this time in your life to reflect, direct, detect, and eject yourself from those good and bad moments in your personal library. And remember that we are all the same. Don't be afraid to bend a little. Just keep working on focusing positive motivation and look within yourself. We are all trying to heal ourselves in some way. We want to think better, live better, act better, do everything better! And why not? We want to be the best vessel and instrument that the world can play~. The more people are reaching out to each other, the more they are finding that there is a whole underground of thinking just like themselves. "We are all family."
As family member in life, I want to share this. I feel so deeply compelled to let you how much you are appreciated by someone out there. People become surprised that you can respect what they are doing, or what they are going through when you do not even know them. The world seemed a bit self-absorbed for a while. Things are different in our culture as a world. People do care about you. It may have not been until we had lost something that we became humbled. It is OK to be down with skidded knees. That is when we need each other the most. Many strangers help others without recognition. There are people and tools to help you get there. We can not all help in the same areas of need, but we sure can try to guide you where you need to go. Sometimes just being there for someone is a great sense of comfort...
Speaking of comfort--someone is leaving their their coffee cups on the arm of the couch. Please remove all trash when exiting the room and turn out the lights. Gotta go green ya know! Thanks again for stopping by and get out and enjoy your weekend! Just a reminder: I do not post on the weekends. That time I preserve for my family and friends. I make sure that I try to stay focused and grounded with real life and real people. The Internet is an amazing tool and I support its intrinsic part to life! I am trying to maintain balance with family, life, and work. We all do this and know it is not so easy to adapt to. It is do-able! It may not always be perfect but, it is do-able! So I am trying to walk the walk, and adapt to a plan that helps me with balance. I hope it comes soon because I used to get car sick. I wonder if it could carry over...oh goodness, I hope not...
Now go have some moments! Any moment. There are so many and they all have beauty within each one. Even the quiet ones have a way of giving us a sense of "calm." So whatever your moments are, embrace them and live in them...
" Work That Art In Motion"
Friday, April 15, 2011
I am so excited about this I almost wet my pants! Seriously! This gave me such an uncontrollable energy that could propel positive tornado's everywhere! How great is that? I was catching up on the DVR of what I had recorded previously. Well, needless to day I am a huge Oprah fan! When I saw the "Update Show" I was so excited when she brought out the amazing Stephen! GiveBack was founded by Stephen Paletta, the winner of Oprah’s Big Give, a television show that aired in 2008.
The concept of her show was giving people a chance to give money away to help others. This was great! She gave each person the ability to raise money and give back to society. The one who gave the most would become the winner. What they did not know what that the prize would be ONE MILLION dollars!
There was only one catch to the winnings. Half of it had to be donated to charity. Any Charity that the winner say fit. With his winnings Stephen went on to do this...
This is such an awesome concept of how we can gather as a group everyone! Our own charities, any charities. When you shop online at the site with any of the stores such as Nike, Macy, Target and tons more, you get cash-back into your own account on the site! The great thing is that you can designate it where you want your donations you earned by shopping to go. The generous stores have signed up with the site and they donate a percent of all of your purchases through them. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving...
I just love this! Check it out and enjoy... Have an exciting day with laughter and smiles!
The concept of her show was giving people a chance to give money away to help others. This was great! She gave each person the ability to raise money and give back to society. The one who gave the most would become the winner. What they did not know what that the prize would be ONE MILLION dollars!
There was only one catch to the winnings. Half of it had to be donated to charity. Any Charity that the winner say fit. With his winnings Stephen went on to do this...
This is such an awesome concept of how we can gather as a group everyone! Our own charities, any charities. When you shop online at the site with any of the stores such as Nike, Macy, Target and tons more, you get cash-back into your own account on the site! The great thing is that you can designate it where you want your donations you earned by shopping to go. The generous stores have signed up with the site and they donate a percent of all of your purchases through them. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving...
I just love this! Check it out and enjoy... Have an exciting day with laughter and smiles!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
How are you handling the storm?
To find out more about Nick Vujicic :
It's Only For A Moment
How can you feel good when there are so many things going on in your life that is causing you stress? Remember this..."because it is only for a moment". Guess what? We just had another one. And another! This is pretty amazing when you think about it. We get moments... I know earlier today, or this past week you had a good moment. There had to be something? Someone smiled at you? A stranger being kind? Someone hold the door open? I know you had at least 1 good moment out there in the past 7 days. Think about it...
Society today is searching more for that "aha," moment. They are fantastic! When you understand and realize something that is so profound to you it changes your life and thinking. We do not always have those moments. That is why they are so amazing and we make that noise. It is awesome! You know, the one that sounds like we are deflating a little bit as we euphorically say; "aha..." This is why we keep searching and growing to understand things. When we do have theses awesome moments of understanding and moving forward we feel good! It makes those negative moments seem obscure. Less important and manageble.
I understand that you may be having that moment of negativity or stress today. We all have them. We know it makes us feel better when we remember what we do have. We understand when people tell us that tomorrow is a new day. Sometimes we just need to remember how important it was for us to be here. It was a plan that is larger than anyone. Your DNA, is so unique that they broke the mold when you were born! That my friend is pretty cool when you think about it. There is no other YOU out there!
What makes you so great? Lots of things. You are on my blog for starters. I am very grateful for that. The fact that you are trying to enrich yourself through positive development is a commendable act. People who want to feel good about life and create positive environments are warriors in my eyes!
Understand my warrior friends, trying to keep motivated and stay positive out there is hard sometimes. I am proud of you! Many people want to complain about not being happy. They are frustrated with little things in life. We all have something special about us that gives us a tool to help become that vessel out there for each other. If your focus is keeping you from reaching your goals, you just may need to change your approach!
"Help me, Help you get through what it is that is bothering you. I am opening up the "Ask Valerie," page for you. You can submit questions and I will post them on that page in the blog. If you prefer to keep them private I will respond by email only. You can look at it like a "Dear Abby" page similarity if you like. I love to help others. If this helps you it can be the beginning of something wonderful! Lets start talking and inspiring positive communication to support each other and keep moving forward!
Everyday life is a special gift to you. Unwrap you gift with care and use it wisely. You are leaving fingerprints on the map of the world. "You are art"... Ok, stop leaving fingerprints on my monitor and enjoy your day!~
Sometimes it just helps to talk about it. I am here for you if you need me. Email me your questions at: "Ask Valerie"
Have a great day and smile!~ much better...your gorgeous!
Society today is searching more for that "aha," moment. They are fantastic! When you understand and realize something that is so profound to you it changes your life and thinking. We do not always have those moments. That is why they are so amazing and we make that noise. It is awesome! You know, the one that sounds like we are deflating a little bit as we euphorically say; "aha..." This is why we keep searching and growing to understand things. When we do have theses awesome moments of understanding and moving forward we feel good! It makes those negative moments seem obscure. Less important and manageble.
I understand that you may be having that moment of negativity or stress today. We all have them. We know it makes us feel better when we remember what we do have. We understand when people tell us that tomorrow is a new day. Sometimes we just need to remember how important it was for us to be here. It was a plan that is larger than anyone. Your DNA, is so unique that they broke the mold when you were born! That my friend is pretty cool when you think about it. There is no other YOU out there!
What makes you so great? Lots of things. You are on my blog for starters. I am very grateful for that. The fact that you are trying to enrich yourself through positive development is a commendable act. People who want to feel good about life and create positive environments are warriors in my eyes!
Understand my warrior friends, trying to keep motivated and stay positive out there is hard sometimes. I am proud of you! Many people want to complain about not being happy. They are frustrated with little things in life. We all have something special about us that gives us a tool to help become that vessel out there for each other. If your focus is keeping you from reaching your goals, you just may need to change your approach!
"Help me, Help you get through what it is that is bothering you. I am opening up the "Ask Valerie," page for you. You can submit questions and I will post them on that page in the blog. If you prefer to keep them private I will respond by email only. You can look at it like a "Dear Abby" page similarity if you like. I love to help others. If this helps you it can be the beginning of something wonderful! Lets start talking and inspiring positive communication to support each other and keep moving forward!
Everyday life is a special gift to you. Unwrap you gift with care and use it wisely. You are leaving fingerprints on the map of the world. "You are art"... Ok, stop leaving fingerprints on my monitor and enjoy your day!~
Sometimes it just helps to talk about it. I am here for you if you need me. Email me your questions at: "Ask Valerie"
Have a great day and smile!~ much better...your gorgeous!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Real People, Real Art... "ART IN MOTION" ~
Martial Arts experts got together to creat a sense of hope and support to the people in Japan. It is nothing short of beautiful love for each other and the lengths to use their talents to show it...
Coming together for each in all ways help people to cope and handle life. I am thankful to them for working so hard to create this for everyone. Japan should be very proud of them...
Monday, April 11, 2011
"Practicing what you preach" whacks ya in the face sometimes!
I was tested on practicing what I preach this past weekend. Yep, it happened! I had a great day planned with my ten year old daughter. We were going to go shopping for essentials that we needed at home and a tiny bit of pleasure shopping for her, lunch, quality time, the whole....nine yards. It was going to be a great mother-daughter bonding day!
I woke up with a smile and bounced into the rest of the house with an attitude of "LIFE!" I could just imagine the fun and memories we were going to have make today. When I opened the curtain in the kitchen and looked outside I stopped in my tracks. The smile was melting downward. The bounce was a little less full of movement. It was raining. My mind automatically went into a mode that the day was going to be with compromise. Don't get me wrong, I am all for compromise! I am one of the first in line for a happy-medium, a negotiator, mediator, person of resolve, but the rain was going to make this day kinda crappy now. I had great plans darn it!
As I stood at the large kitchen window I saw the rain starting to taper off. This was great! The rain could stop and things will work out just as I planned. The skies were gray and it was resembling a early fall morning. While the rain was lessening to a drizzle I noticed a bird flying from over the top of my house into the same spot along the fence as he gathered his needs for the nest he was preparing. He grabbed what he needed and flew off! Just a few moments later he was back again. He repeated this several times as I stood there watching him. My mind went off of the rain and onto really looking at him.
The little stubby brown belly bird was doing what he needed to do. It did not matter that it was raining outside. He was not complaining he had a great day planned and its raining now. Things will have to adjust some for your day. "So What?" I know that is what that little guy was thinking, when he looked at me. "Then it happened"..
That little, cute, sweet sounding, brown belly bird, Whacked me upside my head. Inside my own mind in reality, but it was still a good wack! I was not causing him any harm. Why did he have to bother me? That little bird that seemed to be doing what he needed to do and was displaying such great character by doing what he needed to do! He was getting the needs to make his nest. Was it for a family? Himself? Was he helping his bird community? Was this part of teamwork? All of these thoughts were running through my mind. Then it dawned on me...It did not matter why he was doing it. He was just doing it! What he had to do. I was getting my pants in a bunch because of the weather.
Big deal it was raining outside? It's just a drizzle, right? Check the weather report and see what its going to do and adapt. The rain could stop! OK, bad move. Now, it is raining harder. As I watched the rain get stronger, that little guy kept on going. I thought to myself what a wonderful little soul he was. Moving forward with what he needed to do. I need to be grateful for just having the day. Having the roof over my head in the rain. I was getting bummed out because the rain would put a damper on the day. I had to "pick my battles."
Don't waste energy about silly stuff. It can suck you dry. It drains your motivation and appreciation. I was given the gift of having a "day." The fact I could even spend the free time with my daughter was a blessing. We are all so busy anymore. The fact I even had a few dollars in the tough economy to do these things was a blessing. I decided that I needed to choose my frustration wisely and not let it attach itself to my positive outlook, or it absolutely could ruin our whole day.
Guess what? None of that mattered. My daughter got sick! Yes, that's right! She was heavin that stuff everywhere. It was not pretty. Bless her little heart. So at the end of the day it didn't matter that it had rained at all. If we would have went about our day with the inconvenience of rain it would have still been a day together, right? It still had the same meaning and premise of the thoughts behind it. Now we were bonding in a different way. I held her hair when she needed me to and we did what we had to do...
Letting small things in life get under your skin will give you a rash that can cause you irritation throughout your whole day. I don't really know of many people who enjoy rashes...
Have one of your best days and keep moving forward. I want to hear from you. Tell me what kinds of things made you stop and think about life in a better light at that moment. It will challenge you to make the moments positive. You will look for the beauty of the moment insted of the frustration. What kind of beauty do you see out there today? What is doing on? What topics do you want to hear about? Do you have any questions for some advice? We are here for each other...
Email me
I woke up with a smile and bounced into the rest of the house with an attitude of "LIFE!" I could just imagine the fun and memories we were going to have make today. When I opened the curtain in the kitchen and looked outside I stopped in my tracks. The smile was melting downward. The bounce was a little less full of movement. It was raining. My mind automatically went into a mode that the day was going to be with compromise. Don't get me wrong, I am all for compromise! I am one of the first in line for a happy-medium, a negotiator, mediator, person of resolve, but the rain was going to make this day kinda crappy now. I had great plans darn it!
As I stood at the large kitchen window I saw the rain starting to taper off. This was great! The rain could stop and things will work out just as I planned. The skies were gray and it was resembling a early fall morning. While the rain was lessening to a drizzle I noticed a bird flying from over the top of my house into the same spot along the fence as he gathered his needs for the nest he was preparing. He grabbed what he needed and flew off! Just a few moments later he was back again. He repeated this several times as I stood there watching him. My mind went off of the rain and onto really looking at him.
The little stubby brown belly bird was doing what he needed to do. It did not matter that it was raining outside. He was not complaining he had a great day planned and its raining now. Things will have to adjust some for your day. "So What?" I know that is what that little guy was thinking, when he looked at me. "Then it happened"..
That little, cute, sweet sounding, brown belly bird, Whacked me upside my head. Inside my own mind in reality, but it was still a good wack! I was not causing him any harm. Why did he have to bother me? That little bird that seemed to be doing what he needed to do and was displaying such great character by doing what he needed to do! He was getting the needs to make his nest. Was it for a family? Himself? Was he helping his bird community? Was this part of teamwork? All of these thoughts were running through my mind. Then it dawned on me...It did not matter why he was doing it. He was just doing it! What he had to do. I was getting my pants in a bunch because of the weather.
Big deal it was raining outside? It's just a drizzle, right? Check the weather report and see what its going to do and adapt. The rain could stop! OK, bad move. Now, it is raining harder. As I watched the rain get stronger, that little guy kept on going. I thought to myself what a wonderful little soul he was. Moving forward with what he needed to do. I need to be grateful for just having the day. Having the roof over my head in the rain. I was getting bummed out because the rain would put a damper on the day. I had to "pick my battles."
Don't waste energy about silly stuff. It can suck you dry. It drains your motivation and appreciation. I was given the gift of having a "day." The fact I could even spend the free time with my daughter was a blessing. We are all so busy anymore. The fact I even had a few dollars in the tough economy to do these things was a blessing. I decided that I needed to choose my frustration wisely and not let it attach itself to my positive outlook, or it absolutely could ruin our whole day.
Guess what? None of that mattered. My daughter got sick! Yes, that's right! She was heavin that stuff everywhere. It was not pretty. Bless her little heart. So at the end of the day it didn't matter that it had rained at all. If we would have went about our day with the inconvenience of rain it would have still been a day together, right? It still had the same meaning and premise of the thoughts behind it. Now we were bonding in a different way. I held her hair when she needed me to and we did what we had to do...
Letting small things in life get under your skin will give you a rash that can cause you irritation throughout your whole day. I don't really know of many people who enjoy rashes...
Have one of your best days and keep moving forward. I want to hear from you. Tell me what kinds of things made you stop and think about life in a better light at that moment. It will challenge you to make the moments positive. You will look for the beauty of the moment insted of the frustration. What kind of beauty do you see out there today? What is doing on? What topics do you want to hear about? Do you have any questions for some advice? We are here for each other...
Email me
Friday, April 8, 2011
You are very important! Without you there would be a lot of things missing in the world. The connection you have made with people has made an impact! How you choose to look at this is how you grow from it. Some people think if you are not famous that your journey here is less important. This is “NOT” true!
You touched lives out there! I know that I have been out in public and my mind was on some rather tasking things in my life when I have came across you. When you smiled at me as I walked by it made me think about you. It was a pure of heart motivation that prompted you to smile at me. You wanted me to know that you are full of heart and soul for mankind.
You touched lives out there! I know that I have been out in public and my mind was on some rather tasking things in my life when I have came across you. When you smiled at me as I walked by it made me think about you. It was a pure of heart motivation that prompted you to smile at me. You wanted me to know that you are full of heart and soul for mankind.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
"Help me, Help you"
Lifecoachurself, was created with the idea that people can gather to communicate positive, inspirational and motivational support together. Help each other through our daily lives. "A Central Hub of Feeling Good", if you will.
Many people have issues. We all do! One of the things I always tell people is "If you take the roof-tops off of all of our homes, you would see that we are all very similar. It is how we handle it that
Many people have issues. We all do! One of the things I always tell people is "If you take the roof-tops off of all of our homes, you would see that we are all very similar. It is how we handle it that
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