If your miserable close your eyes for a moment. Imagine that you are in a poverty stricken country.
- There is no electric, gas, running water or any kind of utilities you are used to for daily living.
- There is very little food.
- There are bugs, snakes and poisonous insects.
- There is illness everywhere.
- You can smell death of young because of malnutrition.
- Your future is hard to picture in your mind.
Now open your eyes...
- You are alive.
- You are safe.
- You are fortunate to have what is in front of you right now.
- You could always have it worse.
Get involved with your community and try to do what you can to help others not be miserable. You can make a difference and create a movement. A movement that would never make you miserable again. Helping others wraps your soul with material that makes you feel good all the time.
Have a day that radiates appreciation~