When the doors on the school bus close it becomes a different world. There suddenly seems to be a new planet in our solar system. The population consists of all children and one adult. It is the School Bus. The children seem to unleash every part of energy they had to control at school. The bell rings, the doors open, the kids try not to run but, always jump on the bus quickly with relief. They are ready to talk to their friends and goof around. Sometimes it is the best part of their day! The Bus Driver is just as excited! Not really but, a good Bus Driver has insight on this and is ready for them to come a running...
Bus Drivers do a wonderful job with our children. We often forget about thanking them. A few years ago I realized I had been forgetting our Bus Driver. At the end of the year I made sure to thank her and gave her a gift. It was a small token of my appreciation. I continue to do this for her. Tammy is wonderful with the kids and keeps them safe.
A Bus Driver that cares for children and keeps them safe is something we take for granted. Parents often think the school owes you a driver like that. This is true to a point. I believe it comes down to how well people do their job. How much passion they have will carry through into what they are doing.
I appreciate Tammy and her passion. The love of children and the insight to their behavior allows Tammy to be remarkable. As a parent I can not thank her enough for being good at what she does. "Thank you Tammy."
Thank you to all of the Bus Drivers in the world. What you do for "Our World's Family" is important. "Have a summer of inspiration and get some rest."~