It was just two of your Grandparents ago, that were SO, excited to get indoor bathrooms and running water! No joke! It's crazy how long ago we refer to it in our own mind, but it was not really that long ago.
Think of a Grandparent. Anyone of them. Now, picture them as little kids in everyday life. What kind of candy did they have out? What was the trend of the times? What were considered luxury items? What did they talk a out being glad to have nowadays? What was new to their generation?
Now, think about your Grandmother or Grandfather (that you imagined), and do you recall them ever speaking of what it was like when they were young? What kinds of things their parent or parents said? If I had a dollar for every time my mother made the reference, "When I Wa Young", I could take a trip! A nice trip.
The sad thing is that half of the time, ok,most of it I tuned her out. She became that figure in Charlie Browns classroom, The Teacher. All I would hear was mumbled noise. (Sorry Mom) :) I know how intrinsic it is for us to listen and learn from everything! Even the stories you have heard over and over... : ) love ya mom xo.
Time and Life Skills, are just as important as Education and Wealth.
Find what brings you Joy and makes you want to wake in the mornings. Invest parts of your souls time while your here, to help that grow. It will surface, what it is that you thought, you were looking for.
You are searching because your soul is letting you know there is more for you. You are listening to the whispers that God, intended you to hear.
After all, I believe that most people are just thankful for life.
God Bless, Always pray for peace and love for everyone. We are all in this together!
Seriously, DNA, ok...another post. :)
Have a day that you make sure to smile and MEAN it!
Just send pure peace and joy to a stranger. You will be able to sense them responding to your energy.
You are amazing!