Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Credit For Osama bin Ladens Death Is Not On A Debit Card

I wish everyone would stop arguing over who gets credit for killing Osma bin Laden. It is not an unlimited debit card. We need to just think of it as a team effort. When your child graduates who gets the credit? Was it the teachers they had in high school? Was it the elementary principle? See where I am going here? It has been a combination of many things that finally created this ending of Osama and his life.

People are saying it was President Bush who started the whole plan. Others will argue that it was President Obama that got it done. The arguing over who gets credit is not as important to the air time that can be used on other pressing and important issues. If everyone can not agree that it was a team effort on this whole country, then I feel bad for you. You are not thinking about the people who have children that are lost in this war we have on terrorism. Young men and women's families have been destroyed. Not just by the lose of lives but, the whole transition of the past decade.

I believe that everyone on any team is encouraged to pass, assist, support, be there when needed and always agree it is a group effort on any project or game they are involved in with others. Is that not our mantra of Team Effort? 

Stop and think about everyone that could possibly have been involved over the past ten years and then my friend you have the team. I commend everyone on there part in the journey to capture Osma bin Laden. Let us move forward with government and make smart choices. Getting involved will help you to understand and participate in your community and country. It is our country, don't give it away...

Just a thought after seeing so much of this topic in the media. fyi-daughter is truckin along with tissues to school and doing well on tests. wtg her! yes, I told her how happy I was that my lil snot-booger was staying strong, with no fever.~ 

Character In A Sinus Cavity

I should fill you in on what happened. My daughter went to bed on Sunday evening all stuffed up in the sinuses and had a scratchy throat. A parents dream.~ She understands the importance of going to school this week because of state testing. We are all familiar with the testing that the schools do each year that helps determine if your child is learning and at what grade level. It is also used to see how the teachers our doing their jobs. There is controversy over tests in all states with education. I am not going there. I abide by my school district's policy and she has to take the tests. So every day for the next few days the kid has to be rested, eat well, anything I can do to help her be ready to think, I do! Until she got sick. (sigh)...

So here she is feeling like the house is sitting on her sinus cavity and has to go to school. Poor kid. I felt bad for her but there was no fever. The allergies, the viruses, the colds, you name it and its out there. (No fever = School) sorry...

As a parent I want nothing more than to protect you and take care of you. However, I need to teach you to push yourself. I need you to know what it is like to persevere. It is important that you show yourself and others that you have good character. Then she asked me! "What is character?" How could she not know what that meant? Didn't the school ever teach here that yet? After all she was about to take a test. She should know this! This is something that we teach as parents but, we also count on the vocabulary of the educational system...

Then I took another look inside my own personal lesson plan for life with the children. I needed to make sure that I was paying closer attention to my children's "life curriculum." We just assume that they know things. The school system does help in more ways that people understand and help children with all kinds of lessons. I was reminded of my parent responsibilities. The ability to raise your hand can be stressful and give someone anxiety. This is a huge problem for the people afraid to ask questions out there. God love that kid for askin me... :)

Ok, so I explained to her the definition of character. Character: One of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish an individual. Merriam Webster Dictionary 2011. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/character 

I also explained the whole importance of the tests. Reminding her about the nurse being there (just in case) made her feel better We need to instill all of the important and intrinsic words to children that can help them grow into positive thinking adults. They need the positive affirmation and energy to help them illuminate that same thinking and behavior with the understanding. I did call the school to touch base with the nurse. She was really glad I did. That way we are on the same page and she knows how my daughter was feeling today. To my delight she rode the bus home and I plunked herself down in the chair with relief to be home after she arrived. Her little eyes were a bloodshot sea of "If I had the energy I would totally be telling you off right now." Ok, not really but, she was not feelin it...

I was able to help her smile through the red nose that was inflamed by the constant blowing of the nose and the rolling eyeballs of a sinus storm. She had done it! She stayed in school all day long without giving in to feeling under the weather. If she had I fever I would have been there in a second! You bet your bippy. She feels so good about herself now that there is no way she will miss the tests, unless she does get that fever. She had shown herself that she can persevere, and see how strong she can be when pushing herself. The talk of not giving up and working hard for things was out there. We also talked about how grown-ups do this all the time. They go to work feeling bad and make it through! We do what we have to do...

Although she was so tired and plunked in the chair like a rag doll after school, she was so proud of herself. I was even more proud. I had succeeded in teaching her something important and she looks forward to the next battle. I am sure that today she will remember  how awesome she did yesterday. This sets the testing off with the attitude of determination! I am proud of my little snot-filled sinus cavity girl. She will rock that tissue today like nobodies business and the test of course!...

Tissue's Unite! Everyone who has illness today and keeps moving forward, I applaud your efforts. You have been a positive influence on people. Thank you and keep on top of your symptoms. Your health is important. Have an easy day  and rest when you can...

Ok, Who left the used tissues on the couch up there? It looks like boogie-central at the disco.~