Wednesday, December 18, 2013

We All Won The "Mega Millions!"

We won! We won! 
Not the lottery, but life! 

Many people turned out to play the Mega Millions Lottery, across the U.S. and many will hold a ticket today with little or no value. Some will win various prizes and there appears to be two lucky jackpot winners as of this morning. Congratulations! 

We also won!

Us! The ones with the worthless paper ticket today. It's ok though! As we sit and look at those tickets and have our brief moment of "well...crud...", (not really what I said, but we will go with that...shh) we also can look at those tickets as prizes.

The paper may not have value but the artwork can. After all, art is in the eye of the beholder right? 

Remember the things we thought of doing or getting if we really had won the lottery! The thoughts and imaginations of us all flew abundantly wild! Anything and everything! After paying all our bills of course...

Remember the things that are right here right now! Embrace every fiber of it, every energy it carries, everything that we can inhale within ourselves

We are still breathing for a reason. We are still part of something "BIG" out there! We will just keep moving forward and remember that we need to dream and hope for things. Good people can do great things with winning lotteries and many have!

However, that ticket in front of us is a reminder of how good it felt to dream and although we lost the lottery, we won in a universal connection of hopes and dreams. If we can all have that connection of better things, hopes and dreams for all, imagine how unstoppable we could be! The energy alone could shut down the internet! 

When you see that ticket, let it remind you to reach for your dreams and help others reach theirs. Never forget to hope and dream and never forget to help others to achieve theirs. After all, could that be part of a bigger plan?

Yeah! We are winners!
Even the animals!