Monday, November 7, 2011

Do You Know Who You Really Are?

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."
—Oscar Wilde
  • Have you been so busy that you do not even know what hobby you would enjoy? 
  • Are you so caught up in working and tending to your family that there is no time left for you?
  • Can you remember the last time that you did something that "you" really wanted to do?

It is critical to your soul to search out what kinds of things make you happy and bring you joy. We often forget about ourselves because we become so involved in taking care of others needs.

Do not forget how important you are! You have a reason for being here and it is not all about work. There is life to experience and share with others. Find time for yourself and think about what makes you happy and brings you joy. I encourage you to learn something new about yourself.

You are only beginning to unwrap your gifts. I am so proud of your efforts to live the best life you can. Monday just starts to wake up the rest of the days of the week.

"You are so lucky to have a Monday."  Enjoy the gift of the day itself...