Everyone is getting much better at it though!
So just give it a whirl~
Make a block of just 5 minutes today and tell yourself the good things about how you live your life. You will find things that have been dormant for quite some time...
Wonderful things about you have been sitting in your brains attic and it is not so clean in there! The dust need cleared and it is time recognize the qualities that make your spirit show who you are!
Everything should not be tucked away and forgotten. Your life is part of who you are and the lessons and recognition should start within yourself.
Clean out the old dusty stuff that does not even deserve the space any longer! Let the good things start flowing to the center of your mind and watch how fast it flows in...
You are responsible for showing your spectacular art to the universe!
Remember your spirit and display your art to us! We love your creative energy, so let it out of the attic!
5min, that's all, I triple dog dare ya!