Thursday, August 4, 2011

Motivation Is Just Like Taking A Bath

"People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily" .-- Zig Ziglar

I just love Zig Ziglar. He is a very wise soul. This quote of his is very true. If we do not try to pick up the habits of change we are going to be left in the dirty water of life. 

Everyday is a gift to you. Honor it and remember yourself as part of the necessary things to take care of for the day. Your mindset is intrinsic to what plays out in your life. You are important and have value. Make sure to cleanse yourself of negativity and wash yourself in positive motivation. You will come out smelling of freshness for life and sparkling like a star in the sky.

We are a good smelling universe that is rocking the galaxy! Have a fabulous day and get your motivation on~!