Thursday, April 28, 2011

Your World's Family Needs Just A Moment

The Family Needs You For A Moment. You have one of the warmest hearts sailing through our universe. So I figured "Why not? We are not afraid to ask you for one of your moments today. If we could speak to each other in our hearts and to what is divine to our souls, we may help create a sense of calm for the ones dealing with the severe storms that are barreling through the United States today. I had went through this storm myself on Wednesday. It was very frightening! I believe that you can be a key element to calming the storm...

Your interest in humanity makes you a key player today. I will never ask much from you. "I only want people to unite together with love and compassion for all of humanity." I am asking that you give your "World's Family" a moment of your time with thought today. I am so lucky to have people like you that care so much about others. It can seem as if we take a big step forward in humanity, and then something makes us take a baby step back. It's OK with us! We will take such a strong firm step forward each time we move. That way we only get set back a tiny bit. We will adapt to anything! We will keep moving forward and with our connection it is a "Win-Win"... "If we give up, that bad guy wins."...

Remember to step strong, step with style, step with class, and don't let anyone give you grief over your shoes! I think you need a new pair. Oh Wait, thats my shoes...pfft" Ok, so get to steppin...

"Thanks for stopping by and have a beautiful experience with life today"...