Thursday, April 21, 2011

Maundy Thursday

What is Maundy Thursday? That's what I said! I felt like a goober. I have a sister that lives in England and I was not familiar with this whole tradition. We get information so easy with technology today. There is access to learning about things everywhere! Why didn't I know about this tradition? This is a historical holiday! 

Maundy Thursday is observed the week before Easter. The various denominations celebrate in their own ways during this time. Some do not call it a celebration, rather a dark shadow that surrounded betrayal. It is interesting.

The fact remains that there are primary principals of what is important on this day to those who take part. The Last Supper took place the night before Jesus was crucified.
  • Jesus washed the feet of his disciples to remind them to remain humble. He took his time to give them a sense of love and support for each other. It was through his acts that he demonstrated how important it was and how good it feels to love each other. Be humble...

  • Passover was a time for breaking bread and drinking wine that was blessed by God. The bread is to represent Jesus giving of his body. The win represents his blood. A reminder of  the covenant. He is giving his blood for us.
(Take a peek : Take a peek:

 My sister is very cool. She gets it. She knows that life for everyone is so flippin fast! Linda knows I love her with all of my heart.~ She knows how life is for all of us trying to just keep up. This whole article I found made me think about her. I was embarrassed with my sister living overseas that I had not taken more time to understand her life's environment. I am a christian and understand holiday meanings. However, I was not aware of the whole "Purse" thing. Of course, she called me a nerd... Don't misunderstand. We are very close. It's OK. She understands I am a goober. : ) yeah me~

Think about your goober-ness and the need to keep learning all kinds of things. There is some really cool stuff out there! "This helps us grow. I like growing...~ Unless its in my mid-section. That's another post."...

Now hear this! I want you to "get your cool on".~ Yep! Get your goober mind going and look into something that your not familiar with today. You know I am gonna say it. Nerds Unite! No, just kidding but, I am gonna go there... I Triple Dog Dare Ya~ 

"Empowerment through education of all things in life is what makes your sun shine."
 How bright are you shinning? Ohhh, you go....I think I have to get my sunglasses on now...Shine it~Shine it~... 
We learn from each other. Take some goober time to check out this link on the information about Maundy Thursday. I was so proud of the Queen for getting out among the people of her country. She seemed to be so genuinely happy with what was taking place. This made her all of the sudden to seem really cool...