Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Valerie. I am a “HUGE” believer of positive humanistic psychology. People say that there are always two sides to a story. This is true! The other side of negative is POSITIVE! It is all simple logic. The task of implementing what we know we should do is not an easy one. Look at life in a positive way? Sure! I can do that! Not everyday though. Things happen and sometimes things are just crappy. How we handle those things though will determine how the rest of your flow is going to go!
Let the negativity from others get under your skin and you can fire it back like no other! That would not be the best result in the end. I believe as we get older we tend to become wiser and look at life differently for all sorts of reasons. We become more understanding. We can often become more impatient. It is a double edged sword.
When you leave a place that is filled with positive attitude it can only help but make you more positive in your life! It is all about your environment. My goal is to help create the kind of environment that can be beneficial to your stressors, give some laughter, understanding, support, and occasional pillow fights; just to keep the fun-factor high, and much more.
If we do this together it will be our place. It is not just one sided here. It is a community garden of beautiful seeds we are going to plant as a team! With communication between us all it is a win-win situation.
Your patience is greatly appreciated with the new transit of this blog and I promise not to let you down!
(there will be more about me soon)
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