Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's Only For A Moment

How can you feel good when there are so many things going on in your life that is causing you stress?  Remember this..."because it is only for a moment".  Guess what?  We just had another one.  And another! This is pretty amazing when you think about it.  We get moments...  I know earlier today, or this past week you had a good moment.  There had to be something?  Someone smiled at you? A stranger being kind?  Someone hold the door open? I know you had at least 1 good moment out there in the past 7 days.  Think about it...

Society today is searching more for  that "aha," moment.  They are fantastic!  When you understand and realize something that is so profound to you it changes your life and thinking.  We do not always have those moments. That is why they are so amazing and we make that noise. It is awesome! You know, the one that sounds like we are deflating a little bit as we euphorically say; "aha..."  This is why we keep searching and growing to understand things.  When we do have theses awesome moments of understanding and moving forward we feel good! It makes those negative moments seem obscure. Less important and manageble.
I understand that you may be having that moment of negativity or stress today. We all have them.  We know it makes us feel better when we remember what we do have. We understand when people tell us that tomorrow is a new day. Sometimes we just need to remember how important it was for us to be here. It was a plan that is larger than anyone.  Your DNA, is so unique that they broke the mold when you were born!  That my friend is pretty cool when you think about it.  There is no other YOU out there!

What makes you so great? Lots of things. You are on my blog for starters.  I am very grateful for that. The fact that you are trying to enrich yourself through positive development is a commendable act. People who want to feel good about life and create positive environments are warriors in my eyes!

Understand my warrior friends, trying to keep motivated and stay positive out there is hard sometimes.  I am proud of you!  Many people want to complain about not being happy. They are frustrated with little things in life. We all have something special about us that gives us a tool to help become that vessel out there for each other.  If your focus is keeping you from reaching your goals, you just may need to change your approach!

"Help me, Help you get through what it is that is bothering you.  I am opening up the "Ask Valerie," page for you.  You can submit questions and I will post them on that page in the blog.  If you prefer to keep them private I will respond by email only. You can look at it like a "Dear Abby" page similarity if you like.  I love to help others.  If this helps you it can be the beginning of something wonderful!  Lets start talking and inspiring positive communication to support each other and keep moving forward!

Everyday life is a special gift to you.  Unwrap you gift with care and use it wisely.  You are leaving fingerprints on the map of the world. "You are art"... Ok, stop leaving fingerprints on my monitor and enjoy your day!~

Sometimes it just helps to talk about it.  I am here for you if you need me.  Email me your questions at:  "Ask Valerie"

Have a great day and smile!~  much better...your gorgeous!

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