Monday, May 6, 2013

Animal Art

All of the animals except for man know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it. -- Samuel Butler

As I sat down to post on another topic, my cat climbed onto my lap. Her name is Splash. In the beginning we thought she was a he! Splashes as we adoringly call her or my preference is "the baby", is all white with a splash of black on her head. One could imagine a kitten in paint. : )

All of the sudden as I start my work it has became obvious that she is sound asleep in my lap. What do I do now? She is quite adorable curled in a half circle with her paws over one eye. I find it interesting that she is in such a deep sleep so quickly. I hate to move her but this could be very uncomfortable trying to work like this. Then it dawned on me that I was getting one of the best gifts right in my lap!

A Masterpiece of Animal Art. The closer I looked and the more I took it in, the more exquisite the whole moment was. This was my cat from day after day behavior and I was taking a closer look to her soul through her art.

Be it God, the Universe or whatever your spiritual belief is, something more powerful than ourselves is an amazing artist...

Look closer at things today for their artwork in the world. I. May ask questions later!

Audio coming soon...

Have a great start to a new week!

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