Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Are You On The Back Of A Shell?

“Behold the turtle. He only makes progress when he sticks his neck out.” -- James Bryant Conant

Are you able to move? Can you go forward at all? If not, you must be stuck on the back of your shell! You know...upside down on your back.

It can be really hard to feel as though there is no way to go but around in circles or stationary. There is always something that can be done!

You have to believe that there is "No Way" that you are going to allow this to be all there is! You may have to work harder at it than anything before. However, it is possible!

If you can not seem to get off the back of your shell then it could be time to change your approach in doing so. " If you are having trouble reaching your goal, you may want to change your approach." You know yourself better than anyone.

Be honest with yourself in some quiet time. Reflect and contemplate the future. The sweet thing is that when you meditate it starts to come easier. You have answers within yourself. You just have to hear them.

Your shell has a beauty of artwork that the world to see and appreciate. You can get to the same finish line if you just don't stop...

Have a great week!

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