Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Are You On The Back Of A Shell?

“Behold the turtle. He only makes progress when he sticks his neck out.” -- James Bryant Conant

Are you able to move? Can you go forward at all? If not, you must be stuck on the back of your shell! You know...upside down on your back.

It can be really hard to feel as though there is no way to go but around in circles or stationary. There is always something that can be done!

You have to believe that there is "No Way" that you are going to allow this to be all there is! You may have to work harder at it than anything before. However, it is possible!

If you can not seem to get off the back of your shell then it could be time to change your approach in doing so. " If you are having trouble reaching your goal, you may want to change your approach." You know yourself better than anyone.

Be honest with yourself in some quiet time. Reflect and contemplate the future. The sweet thing is that when you meditate it starts to come easier. You have answers within yourself. You just have to hear them.

Your shell has a beauty of artwork that the world to see and appreciate. You can get to the same finish line if you just don't stop...

Have a great week!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Grabbing At Your Collar

Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told, ‘I am with you, kid. Let’s go.’” – author Maya Angelou

Do you feel it? Do you feel the tugging around your collar? It is not just stress. It is also life bursting at the seams to get moving! The spirit inside your soul is wanting to paint with you. It wants to take advantage of everything out there that was not available to our ancestors.

How do you think the souls of all ancestors are reacting to being so complacent in the world? Think about the gift of breath and energy you can even send or receive today! The world is full of great things that outnumber the bad. You just need to be responsible for your own light!

We are a cluster of light that outshines any darkness that the world has to deal with! As a whole we can minimize the shadows and shine more often than not. It is all about choices...

Is that a tug at your lapel?
What are you going to do about it?

Choose light! It's good energy for the soul ~

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Plant Your Bulb

All it takes is one bloom of hope to make a spiritual garden. -- Terri Guillemets

Spring is the time of year when many see growth from the universe. It comes in so many luscious forms! What ever the hopes and dreams you carry inside, nurture them. Care well for them. Love and honor the desire it brings you. You will notice a new side of life when you follow own self.

Let yourself have a place in line of need and grow inside and out.

Now start working on your own garden and be ready for the magnificent process that will unfold before you. The end of it is endlessly beautiful and the growing in life is the blooming that amazes us all.

I wanna see bulbs everywhere!

Bloom out, Girl Scout~ :)

(Thank you for being patient on my blog and tweets, due to the death of my father.) I'm back!