Thursday, August 16, 2012


U.R. Irreplaceable.
 (Incapable of being replaced; unique)

You are part of something larger than yourself. Your presence is part of a plan.

Imagine that you were never here...

How many lives would it have been vacant from?
How many moments that became special memories of joy were never imprinted in a mind?
How many smiles did not help the others you passed walk a little stronger in their dark hour?
How many souls never got to join you in making a difference out there?
How many spirits could have shined brighter because of your presence?

The list of your irreplaceable value in the world is infinite!

We know this and see it in others but fail to remember it for ourselves. Remembering yourself as irreplaceable is just one step in enlightening your own awareness and value. We are a family that is larger than we can imagine.

Be kind to your family and remember how vital the role is that we were granted here on earth and your life will become more beautiful every day...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

See What Is Not Obvious

"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." -- Michelangelo.

All it takes is an extra moment to listen to your spirit and open your eyes to possibilities. Look at something or a situation with an artistic view.

It is safe to say that Michelangelo, chose to look at the beauty that laid beneath the surface.

The world is so grateful for his open mind. Seeing yourself as a beautiful piece of art in progress can give you the energy to paint with more vigor and style.

Style and design your life around the beauty within. The world is breathtaking and you are markings on a work of art.

God is the Master Painter and we know he can rock a paint brush! Have inspiring days ahead and let your color pallet add more to it each day...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Karma / The Golden Rule

“Follow your passions, believe in karma, and you won't have to chase your dreams, they will come to you.” -- Randy Pausch

What you put out in the universe comes back to you with the same effect as the cause it create.

If you put out good in life it will bring more good back to you. This is the Laws of Attraction.

At some point you have heard this or read this. If you are being more aware of your actions in life each day at at each moment you can, you will see gifts of joy and happiness popping up more and more each day.

Living with "The Golden Rule" in your consciousness as much as you can will help make the world dance and sing with rhythm that everyone enjoys!

Have a wonderful start to a week of unexpected joy and beauty in everything around you. Embrace the dreams you keep dreaming for a reason.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Be Kind Today

Most people would say that they consider themselves to be a kind person. Are most people kind all of the time? No. It is not always easy to stay aware and being more conscious of our attitude and energy all the time.

The good news is that as time goes by and we are trying to be more conscious of what energy we are bringing to the table! Then it becomes a habit.

What a great habit to pick up! Being more aware of how beautiful we can make any moment become with our energy is a valuable gift.

Often it only takes a smile or a small act of kindness to create the energy someone needs to feel that they matter and that there really is pure love in the universe.

We are much more powerful than we think.

Have a great day and here's smiling at you. : )

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Change Your Story

Live out of your imagination, not your history. -- Stephen Covey

It can take some time to understand the things from the past that should be let go. We can carry guilt and anger easier than we can by dealing with the issue.

Remember that your past does not define who you are completely. It is a part of your spirit that went through what it has. Someday it will make sense.

It is critical that you take something positive and let the history be left behind. Change your story by not living in your history. Use your imagination and hear the whispers from your energy.

Have an awesome sauce week and I will continue to work on the new site with more information to inspire everyone together!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Great Things Can Be Very Small

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” ― Mother Teresa

It is not that size or amount of doing great things that matter. If everyone were to do something kind at the same time the world would sparkle as bright as the Hope Diamond.

Just set out to be kind and you will do great small things. It will make you feel wonderful inside your soul! It needs that kind of nourishment to grow.

Have a day that sings with beauty around you! Enjoy~

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Never Stop Dreaming

Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal. -- Pamela Vaull Star

We all have the power within ourselves to achieve a goal. If you limit your dreams and their capacity of depth, you could be stopping something fantastic!

Anything is possible for anyone! You just have to visualize it and take a step to start implementing your dreams.

Big or small they matter. Just do not let yourself be limited to possibilities! Get excited about what brings you joy and let others know it!

You could end up surrounding yourself with others who share the same passion and dreams as you do.

God networks in all kinds of ways...
Embrace those dreams of yours! After all they come from your spirit and your energy is a gift to the world!

Get sharing! : ) great luck to you!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Your Body Knows

Your Body Knows When It Needs A Little Rest

Do You Listen?

The old song and dance about not taking enough time to rest...sigh.  People do this without even thinking anymore. There is always something or someone of importance that needs our attention.

Keep yourself a priority and the rest will follow..

Decompress and disconnect when it is possible. Life is important all around you. Step back from the internet and embrace all of the art around you in a tangable moment.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

What If You Did Everything As If God Asked You to?

"Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or doing it better." -- John Updike

Imagine doing everything as if God had asked you to do it himself...

I have pondered this thought and it makes sense. If I do everything to the best of my ability it will continue to help me with personal and spiritual growth.

Whatever your belief in a Great Divinity is you should connect yourself more each day, every moment, and be more present.

Is it hard to do consistently? You bet ya! We would live in Utopia. A world of perfect being. It wouldn't hurt to try or work on like a diet!

Some resolve is always better than none. If you make an attempt and find yourself becoming complacent, regroup and start again!

Remember... If we give up the bad guy wins...

Have an enormous day of finding creativity in life all around you! It has been there all the time.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Your Life's Portfolio Is Part Of Your Unique Design

"The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude." -- Dennis S. Brown

There is always a solution to any problem. It may not be one we like but, there is a solution.

The extra benefit from unhappy solutions is experience. Put the episode into your life's portfolio. It only makes sense that part of our life's journey is knowledge of all sorts of things.

When we look back in our lives we can
see the relationships in our ( episodes) connect and see a bigger picture.

Connecting the dots in our lives usually happens when we get older. What if we paid more attention now?

Our lives are meant for purpose and I encourage you to fill your Life's Portfolio and never be afraid of it overflowing.

Your Life's Portfolio Is Part Of Your Unique Design!

What can you add to it each day?
What can you add to it today?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Is Your Third Eye Blind?

"We all have ability. The difference is how we use it." -- Stevie Wonder

How much are you using your abilities?
Follow what brings you joy and discover new talents...

It is amazing how much Stevie Wonder can see with his spirit and soul. You try...

Monday, June 11, 2012

Alone Is Not Always A Bad Thing If You Like Yourself

"You can not be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with." -- Wayne Dyer

I used to think that nobody really wants to be alone. The older I am getting I can appreciate that time to reflect within myself and find more awareness to who I am. It is hard to sit down and meditate on a regular basis for many people. If we practice this and enough time passes it will become a habit in our lives.

More and more people are finding that meditation helps with so many things:
  • Emotional stress
  • physical relaxation
  • finding resolve to issues in thought
  • finding inner peace and awareness
  • learning to listen to yourself (your spirit and energy)
  • learning to trust yourself
  • learning to have faith in yourself
  • learning your value in the universe
  • So much, much more...
There are so many benefits of meditation that it is hard to put them under an umbrella. If you try to find what works for you I am sure you will end up with something suited just for you. Everyone has a different energy and way they deal with things. Your enlightenment can only start if you are willing to let the light in and see more of your own dwelling.

You have an obligation to make yourself important to the world! This is part of the intention of your presence. You are here for a purpose. If you allow yourself  to learn and be helpful in the world that surrounds you, then you are on the right path.

Your energy is critical to helping the universe do what it needs to do. If you find yourself alone embrace the time to allow personal growth and pay it forward in life. It will be amazing what the universe with give back in time. Those lonely times were for a reason.

Are we ever really alone?

Remember that I am here to encourage you to remember your value. It is easy to see this trait in others before seeing it in ourselves. However, we can not forget that we have good traits ourselves and that if we use those traits to help others it is a win-win situation.

We are all here for a reason...

Alone Is Not Always A Bad Thing If You Like Yourself.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Everything Is An Experience

"Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience.” ― Victoria Holt

There are often times we become frustrated when things do not go our way. It can be something of great magnitude or something very minor that we were hoping for. No matter what the disappointment brings it also comes with knowledge.

It gives us knowledge and future insight for other things that will come. Everything we do in life is connected and there is purpose for all of it. We will never know the total purpose of why we go through what we do but, you can know it your heart that it was meant for you to learn from and grow.

It is just one more addition to your portfolio of life. Something to add to the reservoir of experience. You never know when you may need that information again in order to help another. Empower yourself with your moments and see them for all of the possibilities they can bring.

As always I encourage you to enjoy life outside of the technology and disconnect sometimes. Many people try to do this on the weekend. Whatever time that you have each week try to decompress from being overloaded. Just let yourself be...

Smile at the sun this weekend and watch how much more stride you have in your walk~

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Remember Giving Up Let's The Bad Guy Win

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place." -- Unknown

I don't know about you but, giving up to me means that "The Bad Guy Wins". It is something that I tell myself that covers the negative bad man. Could be the devil, could be anything or anyone that would like to see me fail. This gets to me and it keeps me motivated!

Try something that may work for you. There are many times that I could stop, give up, ignore, ect but, I do my best to keep moving forward.

If you really try hard at something it will be work. After all you are working hard at it, so why wouldn't it be hard?

I just want to encourage you to try and get through the things you need to with all your might before you decide it is enough. Good luck! I believe in you!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Who Are You Really?

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” -Dr. Seuss

Who are you? What really brings you joy? What makes you fill up with smiles? Find a way to do it and make a living at it. This is on of the golden keys to happiness.

It is not always easy to know who you are. We spend so much time involved in others lives that we sometimes get lost.

I am on a voyage to find out more about myself. I encourage you to do the same. Personal growth within ourselves is part of our life's purpose.

Embrace your life and enjoy your moments! : )

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

You Can Still Find Joy In Loss

What we have once enjoyed we can never lose;
All that we love deeply, becomes a part of us.-- Helen Keller

On the first of this month my daughters grandfather was in an automobile accident. He passed away from the injuries on April 9th.  It was a very surreal time and still is. It was local and approximately one mile from his home. They say most accidents occur close to home and this came true for him. It seems strange with her grandfather having traveled all over the United States, to have had an accident so close to home.

A head on collision at normal speed claimed his life and the events through the whole process has been horrible. In the past I have dispatched for emergency assistance for over thirteen years and it is still hard to believe. How do you continue to try to find energy to keep moving through life when there is always something?

Everyone has something. We all deal with situations every day. I am relying on my own life coaching skills to get through these times. Even when we know what approach to take for healing it is still a struggle. Our way to deal with it is familiar with the quote from above.

By remembering the love that involved her grandfather is our way to get through. Thinking about him still being part of us and our family is a comfort. We take this with us each day and will continue to share the lessons in life with others.

Whatever your loss may be, whatever your sorrows are, remember that there is a purpose that this was put in your life and remember the positive and joyful things about it. Learn from any negativity or hardships that you endure. We are never alone with God's wind at our back.

Life can often be unexplainable and confusing but it is here for us. If your present in the world, make sure to BE PRESENT, in your moments of life. It can be taken gone at any moment. If you are still here then there is a reason for your presence. My daughter says that her grandfather has a new place to be present, but his memory was built for us to remember and connect with in our lives for now.

That brings me comfort...

Have a day that makes you appreciate everyone and everything. It is all here for a reason... 

It is the artwork of life...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Remember To Bend and Not Break

There are times when it is just hard...

It is what you do at that time that matters...

Sometimes we bend so hard that we starting to resemble a tree in a hurricane!

We can make it through the storm with each other...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Keep Moving When You Hit A Wall

If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.-- Michael Jordan

It is hard to keep moving in the direction you were going if you hit a wall that stops you for a moment. It is our job to allow ourselves to feel the sting and be stunned for that moment but, it is what we do after we catch our bearings a moment later that matters.

We shake ourselves off and often feel as though we are done. Is there really a solution to the problem now? It is easier to give up than to keep pushing toward that finish line. Sometimes we just have to rethink our approach or change the focus. This inevitably can help you get to where you need to be.

Just remember Michael Jordan. He has taught the world more than basketball. When we want to give up, lets think of a solution and not stop trying.

As long as we truly give it all we have, how will we know if we could do it?
OK, time to bounce...get it? mind. :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do with what happens to you.

Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do with what happens to you.
  Aldous Huxley.

My experience was not "Good Times."

 It was painful, depressing, and enlightening. I had broken my wrist in three places. The Dr. said the word "shattered," at one point. All I know is that when the cast came off I wanted to faint. Faint and get sick to my stomach! I had to remind myself over and over how others have it so much worse than I do right now.
My accident was not glamorous my any means. I had slipped taking the trash down during a down pour of rain. The trash men rushed over and asked if I was ok. All I could do was say "I think it is broken!" They opened the door to my house and I called out to my family. Off I went to the emergency room.

While I sat there trying to be patient and brave, I felt like a little child who wanted their parent or caregiver to hug them and tell them it would be ok. At the same time I wanted to be totally alone. I was in shock. The mantra I kept saying over and over in my head was "There are other people upstairs in this hospital and they are dying. You will be ok!" I began to think about other people who have had several injuries at once. Waking up from an accident and different parts of their bodies feel like just this one place on mine. This way I could tune out my pain for just moments and wait my turn.

My turn came and I ended up having to have surgery. A metal plate and three pins were placed inside my wrist. The rehabilitation has had its moments but, what can you do? You have to work through the pain to keep moving and get your strength. This is very parallel to life isn't it?

Appreciation is the key! It could have been worse. I came close to hitting my head on the landscaping beam. It was dark and storming outside. Everyone was asleep but my trash crew. It was nice to see them run to my aid so quickly. The human spirit is alive.  I have learned many things during this experience and I know how hard it can be to stay positive at times.

If we give up, the bad guy wins. I think we are all worth fighting for!

Have a day of appreciation for everything! All things have their purpose and it is what you do with your purpose that counts.

You can count on me and I know I can count on you~

Friday, February 10, 2012

Are You Listening To What Your Soul Is Really Saying?

Thinking: the talking of the soul with itself.  Plato...  Are you a good listener?

Listening to the conversation in your heart and mind let you hear what your soul is saying.  How many times have we said to ourselves, "I knew I should have, I knew I shouldn't have, I had a bad feeling about that," ect... Your soul is an intrinsic part of your being. This is nothing new to us. Life Coaching yourself, or as I like to say "lifecoachurself," is a lot of listening to your soul.

I encourage you to find that time to listen. Hear what your saying. Ask the questions and listen for the answers. You are bright and connected to the universe. God will talk to you through your soul if you listen.

I hear you and I value you. I appreciate you being here and a part of something so wonderful in this world. You are pretty amazing you know!

Just being here is enlightening your awareness to yourself. We are pretty awesomesauce!

With my wrist healing up pretty well now there will be updated and added information very soon! I can not wait to share more things with you. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Charles Dickens Celebrates 200 Years Of Art

There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast.
Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens remains one of the best writers in history. A man who left the world a form of art that we cherish. Today has marked celebrations in England and all over the world. While the day is ending in England, it is beginning in other parts of the world. On behalf of America, I would like to wish what would be his 200th birthday today, to a writer that continues to impact the world.

Charles Dickens
Happy 200th, Birthday Sir.

Try to be a part of the beauty that surrounds you and remember that it is always there. We forget how breathtaking the smallest beam of light can be.

Enjoy a day of enlightening your mind and a night of splendor with beautiful light-show. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Do You Feel Entitled Or Worthy?

Are you entitled or worthy?

Engage more kindness and belief in your actions.  You are a beautiful package that was given to the universe to connect with.  The world is waiting for your energy connection~

Today can be a good day if you allow it to be. Have one, on me... :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What is growing under your feet?

"The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet." - James Oppenheim

The ability to be happy is right under your nose! Ok, your feet.

You are truly seeding, planting, growing, your very own "Atrium" of life.

It is very important to harvest all year.

Feel your steps through life and have the garden you always wanted! All you have to do is allow yourself to keep working on a more insightful and positive life.

Besides, your garden is important to the world.

Together, the world is just beautiful. Have a great day!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Wholey-Shift Relax

Studies have given us techniques and tools to help us relax. In reality we have the power within pour own selves. It has been there all the time.

Disconnect yourself from social media and technology during your weekend if you can. Some of us have our weekend during the week. It just depends on your jobs and life schedules.

I do not want you to forget your spirit and you need to let your mind, eyes, hands, ears, (you see where I am going here) relax.

Find quiet moments this weekend. Your mind and body miss your soul.

Have a soothing weekend and listen to yourself, your whole self-being.

For tips to relax from the Mayo Clinic:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Struggling To Reach Your Goal, Change Your Approach

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.
Mary Engelbreit

When we are not reaching a goal we often need to change our approach. Set a goal that is challenging but within reason. Stay committed until you see if your moving forward towards it. It is ok to change the path you are on to get there.

The journey that you are traveling in a positive direction will be a win-win situation. Making yourself positive goals for the New Year in 2012, is going to take you places that will enhance you life and those around you.