Accept the credit for your perseverance. Things may not be perfect. They may not be exactly where you would like them to be. Things can ALWAYS be worse. You may not think so at the time but, this is a very true fact. The consolation to struggles is the growth that comes with it. We can learn something from everything.
I have learned that you have to follow your passion in life. This is a gift that is given to you. It is unique with its design and DNA compiled just for you. So when someone shows appreciation for what you present in life, stand proud and say "Thank You." You earned it...
Keep working on a good life and you will see it unfold. Opening your gift is one of the most beautiful things you can share. Unless it's your birthday-suit, then you better keep that one wrapped. :)
Accept your artistic contribution to our canvas of life. We are proud to have you here! Now go out there and just smile. Even if it is just once. Smile at someone and show them that they are a worlds painter as well...~