Thursday, June 30, 2011

You Planted The Seed

You planted the seed that often takes time to grow. In the gardens around the world there is beauty in abundance. I am talking about the seeds in life that we need to grow within ourselves and inspire others. There are so many seeds available today to try out.

  • Seeds to education: The seeds that will get you started in the direction that you truly want to go. You have to take that first step in checking things out, getting things organized and implement the watering of your seeds. Once you arrive there you will find many supportive people and avenues that will help you succeed. They are there because of their passion to help people.
  • Seeds to a new career: The seeds that will get you into a job that makes you inspired to be there each day. There are many jobs out there to suit every soul in the world. They were meant for you. They were designed to be there for you when you were ready. We all have a gift. Open yours and enjoy the present of life.
  • Seeds to make a change: The seeds that will get you moving forward. The best seeds of all. These are the ones that make you contemplate what your desires in life really are. The older generation can only encourage the younger generation to take those seeds seriously. Hold them and take care of them. Plant them along the way and continue to add more seeds to your personal garden of life as you grow. The size of your garden will not matter as much as how beautiful it is with the passion and soul of the true desire that illuminates from it. It will become the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. It will be the you that you were meant to be. Listen to yourself inside. Your pretty smart you know...
          I only encourage you from the bottom of my heart and soul. I want you to feel valuable and enjoy the things in life that God wants you to. Your desires and dreams are inside you for a reason. It may be something small. It may be big. Whatever it is...Plant The Seeds and act on it. It can grow and happen if you really want it to. The seeds will not grow on their own. They need you. We all need you. Small towns, small world, small universe. Just imagine...~

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Google + Project Is Looking For Testers

Google + Project is looking for people interested in trying out the new Social Networking Site. It looks very interesting with the updated technology they use for many forums. There is much to talk about with this awesome possibility of connections for people. 

You can go to this link and sign up to be in the trial program. From what I understand there are several trials in small groups at a time to start. The new social media network will be fully launched for all of us to enjoy very soon.  If your interested in being a tester for a new way of communication, check it out!

Take today to be inspired by technology. Everything starts with an idea and everyone has good ideas through out life. Complimentary something you have always wanted to try. The worst that could happen is starting something different. You have a gift of being creative and uniting with your family of the world. Inspire us and let's help the world change in a positive direction.

Have a day with at least one moment of creating something different. You may just surprise yourself. Everyone loves a good surprise ~ 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Your Concern Is A Wonderful Character Trait

I am so honored that you were concerned. The emails I have received on my being ill are sweet. I appreciate them all. It was just a bad virus that set other things in motion. Knowing that you were here was not going to keep me down. You inspired me to get better each day. :)

I jumped on here as soon as I felt good enough and am back in the swing of things. You can imagine how many other things I need to tend to as well. Working and paying the bills are a biggie. However, my  passion for being here and helping inspire people to appreciate each other is so important to me. It is what truly makes me happy. I want to help the world dance together.~ 

We are "ALL" important. We are "ALL" valuable. We are "ALL" family...

Now...get out there and pay for someone at a fast food, drive-thru behind you in line. Keep your eyes on the lost and found section of the paper or your online news source. You never know when you just may see what someone is looking for. You my friend can always make someone smile. 

Thank You...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Down Sick Slows Me Down For A Moment

I wanted to post something to let you know I am still here for you. Sickness has slowed down my moments. My oldest daughter has been very sick this past week. Helping her out with my grandchild enabled me to catch this virus. Yeah me~ :(

However, I am thinking of you all and encourage you to do something nice out there for me today. Make someone smile. No matter how yucky we feel it always warms the soul for a kind smile. I will think of those beautiful smiles today and I am sure it will help me get better faster!

I may be down for a moment but, never count me out!~ :)

Have a nice day and stay away from germs....pftt.. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Does Your Key-Chain Hold An Action Key?

Action is one of the most important keys we should always carry with us. It is the success or failure that you embark on. You act and move upon your situation or ideas. If you do not utilize the action key you are going to be idle. Someone else is going to come along and drive right past you in life. Their movement will take them to wonderful places by moving forward. The paths that we take are very diversified. This is part of the intrinsic heartbeat we carry within our family of humanity. 

Encourage yourself to put something into action. "I dare ya!It can be small or large. Action will show you if it was a good or bad idea. There is no forward movement without action. Do you want to be left behind it his fabulous universe of possibilities? I don't think so. I hope not! Check your Key-Chain for that Action Key and get moving. It is going to make your energy soar and you will inspire others along the way. We can't wait to see your artwork. 

Make sure that anything you do is legal and within  Now free..go make it a reality!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Appreciate The Day

We are so busy with life that we often forget to appreciate the day. Enjoy the day for what it is. Learn from the good and bad of the day. Life is such a gift. You have an importance for being here and we need your personal gifts to each other. Words alone can help someone similar to what you are going through. The many things you may have been through can help others.

Appreciate the day you are gifted with. Embrace it with your family of life and connect in a way that reaffirms to you that you are a part of something big. If we see the beauty of everything the world becomes so beautiful. Show your beauty today and shine through the storms...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Al Roker Lending Hands For All Of Us

Al Roker is "Lending Hands" again. The NBC, Today show has created a wonderful platform that enables Al, to represent the love of human beings. I am proud of him for the message he is trying to promote and for NBC letting this take place each year. The various doners of all kinds of resources prove that there are companies that truly want to help with positive change in the world. Small things we do to help others has no price on its appreciation. Being without the basic needs in society should not be something we allow in our worlds family. We should take care of our family...

I hope this inspires you to help your local community. You can make a huge difference. We all have the power to impact someones life. Love and faith are the root of our souls and connected together we are unstoppable. Help the world illuminate with a light of love that is the most powerful star in the sky. Shine your light within your community. They need you and appreciate you.

For more information on this fantastic movement of helping all people in need : Al Roker Next Week On The Today Show. Lend A Hand

Inspire people to become inspired~ Helping others is the juice of life...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Be Kind Today

This delightful young lady reminds us how easy it is to be kind.

Pay it forward and it will come full circle. That is the circle of life...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Accept The Credit

Accept the credit for your perseverance. Things may not be perfect. They may not be exactly where you would like them to be. Things can ALWAYS be worse. You may not think so at the time but, this is a very true fact. The consolation to struggles is the growth that comes with it. We can learn something from everything.

I have learned that you have to follow your passion in life. This is a gift that is given to you. It is unique with its design and DNA compiled just for you. So when someone shows appreciation for what you present in life, stand proud and say "Thank You." You earned it...

Keep working on a good life and you will see it unfold. Opening your gift is one of the most beautiful things you can share. Unless it's your birthday-suit, then you better keep that one wrapped. :)

Accept your artistic contribution to our canvas of life. We are proud to have you here! Now go out there and just smile. Even if it is just once. Smile at someone and show them that they are a worlds painter as well...~

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Water Your Mail Carrier Today

Our Mail Carrier friends could use watering sometimes. During the warmer months of the year it is hard to stay hydrated properly. The neighborhood mail-carrier pushes through the diverse weather it blankets them with each day. They are careful, articulate, friendly, caring and hard working individuals. They work hard. Like many others they do not get the respect they deserve.

Everyone needs to be appreciated. We should appreciate each other. There are many things people do that go un-noticed. That is part of life and not everyone seeks accolade. However, just by giving your mail carrier a bottle of water, a dry old hand towel, a couple of paper towels, could mean more than you could imagine. 

The Mail Carrier could have forgot their thermos in a rush that morning. They could have dropped their "Sweat Towel." They may wear glasses and a paper towel would be just the thing they need. Most will more than likely say "No Thank You." When they go home they will talk about this to everyone. They will feel so appreciated for what they do that they will be inspired. Without even a thought, they will help someone else down the road. You will have taken a step  in looking at life with appreciation in all things. 

You my friend made a difference. One random act of kindness will strengthen the pulse of love for humanity. It will become heard around the world. You may just help someone from fainting that day with the water. 

Good lookin out...~ Your step has a little more of a swagger to it.~

Monday, June 6, 2011

Get Your Flippers

Grab your flippers if the water starts to rise. Everyone has a moment in life that makes us feel like we are drowning.  The storms that come through can be torrential in strength. The key to remember is that the storm will pass. 

Hang on with all you have inside of you. Use your flippers to keep moving. Make sure that you know with your heart that wherever you are, others are there with you. We all have the same stuff going on. We will ride out the storm with you and be your anchor of support.

Make sure you smile everyday, laugh as something silly and be kind. You are on your way my friend....

Don't forget to flip those feet  \ /  (not a very good set of flippers but,'s improvising)... 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Look At The Difference You Are Making

You should be proud of the difference you are making. The response that you are giving to help humanity is amazing!

 I am proud of you and I thank you for helping people.

Please continue to help fight world hunger for free.

This is a wonderful personal and educational growth tool for children. It is a win-win for our family of life and it's FREE! :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Planet Of The School Bus

When the doors on the school bus close it becomes a different world. There suddenly seems to be a new planet in our solar system. The population consists of all children and one adult. It is the School Bus. The children seem to unleash every part of energy they had to control at school. The bell rings, the doors open, the kids try not to run but, always jump on the bus quickly with relief. They are ready to talk to their friends and goof around. Sometimes it is the best part of their day! The Bus Driver is just as excited! Not really but, a good Bus Driver has insight on this and is ready for them to come a running... 

Bus Drivers do a wonderful job with our children. We often forget about thanking them. A few years ago I realized I had been forgetting our Bus Driver. At the end of the year I made sure to thank her and gave her a gift. It was a small token of my appreciation. I continue to do this for her. Tammy is wonderful with the kids and keeps them safe.

A Bus Driver that cares for children and keeps them safe is something we take for granted. Parents often think the school owes you a driver like that. This is true to a point. I believe it comes down to how well people do their job. How much passion they have will carry through into what they are doing.

I appreciate Tammy and her passion. The love of children and the insight to their behavior allows Tammy to be remarkable. As a parent I can not thank her enough for being good at what she does. "Thank you Tammy."

Thank you to all of the Bus Drivers in the world. What you do for "Our World's Family" is important. "Have a summer of inspiration and get some rest."~

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Teachers Need You

Summer is about to take off with a bang! I hope that everyone takes just a little bit of their time to thank the teachers in the world. A Teacher starts their career with the intent to save the world one child at a time. It"s beautiful. The passion of learning and educating seeps from their bodies of inspiration. Each one looks forward to a better year than the next. What will come next? Teachers get a bad wrap a lot of the times. I know that there are some bad teachers out there. There are some teachers that have lost their focus in making the world grow. How can you blame them?

We all know that kids today behave much different than in the past. When I was in school a student would never interrupt the teacher and be disrespectful with their language. People get tired of being beaten up emotionally and letting the negativity pound at them day after day. They often decide to just tune it out. That is the easiest. Again, they are tired...

The fight for our children each day needs everyone. If a teacher is not achieving their best potential of creating a classroom of inspiration, help them out. Remind them of how much you appreciate them being their for your child. They chose this career by choice. They chose it because they care about Our World's Family.

  • Just give a Teacher something to think about this summer. Inspire them with your gratitude of caring for kids. 
  • Remind them of how much influence they have and appreciate how much they do.
  • Inspire them to keep moving forward with our children each year and push through the storms. 
  • Let them know that even one child in their career mattered. It could be the next one that saves the world.

One comment, One Smile, One hug, One card, One note, One call, One email, (get my point :) can change the world through each other. Your inspiration to an educator can change the life of a child you may never know because, of the Teacher you encouraged to never forget the flow of Love and Life... 

Start your Summer with a bang of INSPIRATION~ I adore you all and you make me dance everyday~ Let's make the world sing together and create a harmony that nobody has every heard before... Have a wonderful weekend and take in life...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I Have An Idea For You

I encourage you to take time and think about something. Anything you want to but, it has to be an idea. The stipulation is creativity. I want you to think about one of those ideas that has been on your mind for a long time. The one that comes and goes while leaving you thoughts of (I think I could...) The truth is that you CAN!

Let the ideas come and go from your mind today. However, take time to make notes of the things that pop in your head. Artists often have to get up in the middle of the night so they can release that creativity. I always have a tablet laying around for when the ideas start to pour out. They may trickle, they may be overflowing, they can even be rare. I have learned over the years that they do come. No matter what you are doing and who you are they will arrive. You have to be open enough to receive them.

Our world is so fast that we do not take time for ourselves. This is a personal growth tool for you to be able to kick start any stagnate idea that has been left on hold. Anything is possible if you believe in yourself. We are all here for you and can not wait to see what you are doing to inspire your world. Your ideas can be small or large. They just have to be an idea of yours. Change in decorating your home, landscaping, activities, inventions, advocacy, helping your community, (personal favorite :) Anything your let your soul think about your mind will follow...if you listen...~

Have fun with it and don't stress yourself out. Making growing inside a wonderful journey with your artwork. You have no idea what kind of art you can truly give the world unless you start painting your ideas of life.