Thursday, May 12, 2011

Two Faced Facebook

Facebook can see two faces in the mirror. Once again things turn ugly among the ones who have a lot of control. Facebook has been doing the dirty. That is correct my friends. The latest buzz is out and has me very disheartened. Facebook is claiming that the "Google-Social Network" is a threat to the publics privacy information. Google says "that is not true." The battles have been going on for some time in social media. Apple vs Microsoft is prime example. It has always been a "he said, she said," banter between the companies.

There is always a risk providing personal information on the internet. This goes much deeper than protecting our privacy. Facebook hired a public relations firm to create a "smash" campaign against Google. They wanted to keep their domination of social networking in their complete control. Google has been here from the get go. They have given peoples needs a place to gather for all sorts of reasons. Facebook has had its set backs with privacy, hacking and other problems in the past. This is crossing an ethical line. As a member in the business and marketing industry myself, I am ashamed of you.

The hiring of people from Burson-Marsteller, a well know public relations firm, to work on your behalf to slander Google makes me sick to my stomach . This is why people struggle with trust in the world. You have enough money and control to do many positive things in this world. Why did you choose to try and keep Google from creating a successful Social Network? I will tell you why; you are afraid of being left behind. 

If you are good then people will follow you, use you, be there for you. If you lie, cheat, and cause trouble among the world people will not want any part of you. I had read about the founder of Facebook originally stealing the "Facebook," idea from someone else. We let him continue to give us a platform we wanted. It did not really matter where it came from. Until we heard about it...

Shame on you Facebook. I would say worse but, I have to watch the content...


There is always a positive side to everything. The good thing was that we are reminded to be cautious in all social media avenues. We need to be diligent every time we use anything that is related to our privacy. I thank you for the reminder Facebook. It takes a while to earn my trust back. I am not sure if you can, again...

It is our socialization and interests that make them want us around. Enjoy being yourself and live a real life social-network in person sometimes. We forget to take that important time needed face-to-face. What are you interested in doing today? Get busy~