I am normally spending time away from the computer on the weekend. It is always encouraged that you enjoy time away from the Internet-Highway. I wanted to remind everyone that we have all been given a gift for Mother's Day...
Life! In order to be here we had to of had a mother. We could not have been born without her. Unless you were cloned and that can be a great post. Email me! :) We were all meant to be here. It was written that we were to be a part of this luminous life together. You were meant to be here and were given that gift because of your mom...
Celebrate your life if nothing else on Mother's Day. The package that you were delivered in was crafted just for you. Embrace your gift and handle with care...
Happy Mother's Day To All Of Us... You know I gotta do it now! I have too! I just...can't help from doing this. Enjoy~