Wednesday, December 18, 2013

We All Won The "Mega Millions!"

We won! We won! 
Not the lottery, but life! 

Many people turned out to play the Mega Millions Lottery, across the U.S. and many will hold a ticket today with little or no value. Some will win various prizes and there appears to be two lucky jackpot winners as of this morning. Congratulations! 

We also won!

Us! The ones with the worthless paper ticket today. It's ok though! As we sit and look at those tickets and have our brief moment of "well...crud...", (not really what I said, but we will go with that...shh) we also can look at those tickets as prizes.

The paper may not have value but the artwork can. After all, art is in the eye of the beholder right? 

Remember the things we thought of doing or getting if we really had won the lottery! The thoughts and imaginations of us all flew abundantly wild! Anything and everything! After paying all our bills of course...

Remember the things that are right here right now! Embrace every fiber of it, every energy it carries, everything that we can inhale within ourselves

We are still breathing for a reason. We are still part of something "BIG" out there! We will just keep moving forward and remember that we need to dream and hope for things. Good people can do great things with winning lotteries and many have!

However, that ticket in front of us is a reminder of how good it felt to dream and although we lost the lottery, we won in a universal connection of hopes and dreams. If we can all have that connection of better things, hopes and dreams for all, imagine how unstoppable we could be! The energy alone could shut down the internet! 

When you see that ticket, let it remind you to reach for your dreams and help others reach theirs. Never forget to hope and dream and never forget to help others to achieve theirs. After all, could that be part of a bigger plan?

Yeah! We are winners!
Even the animals!

Monday, November 25, 2013


Don't fight about who's fault the death of thanksgiving is because it is yours! 

It is an individual choice ( except for the poor kids being dragged around all day in the cold) to go out shopping.

The fact that you need to watch for the best prices available in this economy is prevalent. You are making a choice to utilize your funds the most efficient way possible. It is actually very Nobel or crazy, participating in that "Black Friday, Hot Mess".

You allow the retailers to make you feel as though there will never be a better price before the christmas holidays! You are giving them a remote control to your mind and emotions.

The resource of shopping online when you have some extra time between things around the family during thanksgiving day can be awesome! Again, it is by choice. I bet the retailers will keep having great sales like they did last year, all the way to Christmas day. They are hurting just like we are for finances and are fighting like a kid at a playground for attention. Make a choice of how you give of your valuable time on that important day...

If you are here for a reason, then it is probable to say that the same is true for your ancestors. You just need to slow down a little and make sure that your Thanksgiving day is truly a time of thanks. Force one day to genuinely give your family all of your energy surrounded by patience (u know it can get sticky lol) and love. Your family is Yours for a reason! Take it all in and learn from them. 

Be thankful for your part in the universe and connect with theirs. You may be surprised at how it can help your families energy as a whole and individually

Respect each other and the rest is part of the liquid that flows in your glasses during your toast at dinner!


Think about it for just a second. Ok, a couple of seconds, but you know I may be onto something! :) 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Internet Diet Great New Internet Diet Is Sweeping The World!


Take part of your real soul back. You know as well as I do that technology is wonderful and hurtful at the same time.  Life seems to have this way about it. Your time on earth is for a purpose. Therefore, the internet may be included but is not suppossed to take away from who you are. 

It is your choices that take you in a direction of joy or grief. These are just words that umbrella your directions. You have to start tending to your soul as much as you do your physical body of the flu. Get inside your own mind sitting quiet, looking at animals play, watching children, learning from your elders and so much more... (You know what I mean)

You know that you need to help yourself personally grow. It doesn't happen like puberty! You just do not want to stop and take the time. You are too busy...

If you believe in something more powerful than yourself that created you, then it is critical that you tend to your souls needs. It doesn't always involve a website or a tech gadget.

I adore you and appreciate the time you take to stop in. It's not that I want to discourage the tech use of today as a whole, but you HAVE to start looking at YOU...


Try the Internet Diet and watch your personal growth change. It will spurn off many little branches that you forgot about on your tree. Help the seeds of your soul grow. 

Just try something different is all.

The law should state that all children get to chill out until their cartoons are over on Saturday mornings and then move forward with the days duties.

: )  I know what I'm doing Saturday. Sweet!

Wonderful Link For Further Info : Internet Diet Is Sweeping The World! Try it this weekend for FREE and get AMAZING RESULTS! Awesome Info at -

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."--Henry Ford.

Although it may not feel like it at that very moment of chaos that things will get better, but it will...

At times you may feel as though something is repeatedly trying to push you down. You get one step closer only to be forced two steps back! That's ok

You have stronger legs than you knew your body was capable of producing!

Do you remember the last big storm you were making it through? You know, the one that you thought you would never make it through? Ya! That one! Well guess what? You are getting stronger every day my friend...

When this rough wind slows and the clam is sensed within you, it will be time for your character to come forward to proceed. The rest will be up to you. I pray that you hold character close to your heart for it is part of the soul.

The struggles among you are shared by many. Some have already been to the gym a few times to prepare for those wind storms. It is always the rule to learn what you can from the wind and anchor yourself the best you can for the next. Even if you do not physically work out, workout with your mind.

Take the wind, put it to your back into its proper place and learn how the flow is moving to help you manage the glide. Get a kite and fly it during the windy moments and show that you can be working the beauty of your soul right along with the Universe!

You can dress warm of course! 
Have a fabulous week and fly as much as you want within the wind...

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Is It Enough?

That extra slice of cake or pie. The extra pair of shoes you bought because they were on sale. All of those clothes that were an after Christmas sale. End of Summer Spectacular, sale prices that make you buy more summer clothes than you need. The Candies and Cookies and Junk Food Galore. Shopping at the grocery to waste even more. 

It was just two of your Grandparents ago, that were SO, excited to get indoor bathrooms and running water! No joke! It's crazy how long ago we refer to it in our own mind, but it was not really that long ago. 

Think of a Grandparent. Anyone of them. Now, picture them as little kids in everyday life. What kind of candy did they have out? What was the trend of the times? What were considered luxury items? What did they talk a out being glad to have nowadays? What was new to their generation?

Now, think about your Grandmother or Grandfather (that you imagined), and do you recall them ever speaking of what it was like when they were young? What kinds of things their parent or parents said? If I had a dollar for every time my mother made the reference, "When I Wa Young", I could take a trip! A nice trip. 

The sad thing is that half of the time, ok,most of it I tuned her out. She became that figure in Charlie Browns classroom, The Teacher. All I would hear was mumbled noise. (Sorry Mom) :) I know how intrinsic it is for us to listen and learn from everything! Even the stories you have heard over and over... : ) love ya mom xo.

Time and Life Skills, are just as important as Education and Wealth. 

Find what brings you Joy and makes you want to wake in the mornings. Invest parts of your souls time while your here, to help that grow. It will surface, what it is that you thought, you were looking for.

You are searching because your soul is letting you know there is more for you. You are listening to the whispers that God, intended you to hear. 

After all, I believe that most people are just thankful for life.
God Bless, Always pray for peace and love for everyone. We are all in this together!

Seriously, DNA, ok...another post. :) 

Have a day that you make sure to smile and MEAN it! 

Just send pure peace and joy to a stranger. You will be able to sense them responding to your energy. 

You are amazing!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark

To light a candle is to cast a shadow. -- Ursula K. Le Guin

Remember this; When you light that candle at the start or finish, you creat a shadow of darkness behind you. 

The good news on the dark side of the candle is that it is just a reminder. Yep! Just a reminder of where you have been, where you are leaving, any dark clouds that linger are now placed appropriately, behind you. Yeah!

Your direction is moving with a new light for your view and presence. You don't have to walk in the dark. Besides, we stumble in the dark and I can't afford to break another bone. 

So please take with, you knowing that we all have to keep moving in a lighted direction without taking the dark with us, but remember our struggles in life and learn from them. For that is a huge part in our personal growth...

Have a day of great joy by being focused and kind! Stay in well lit areas! Start with the sun. It's a great back up!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Petals Through The Pricks In Life

"You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses." 

It is all about choices...

Monday, August 26, 2013


Take Time 
by Author Unknown

TAKE TIME to think;
it is the source of power.
TAKE TIME to read;
it is the foundation of wisdom.

TAKE TIME to play;
it is the secret of staying young.

TAKE TIME to be quiet;
it is the moment to seek God.

TAKE TIME to be aware;
it is the opportunity to help others.

TAKE TIME to love and be loved;
it is God's greatest gift.

TAKE TIME to laugh;
it is the music of the soul.

TAKE TIME to be friendly;
it is the road to happiness.

TAKE TIME to dream;
it is what the future is made of.

TAKE TIME to pray;
it is the greatest power on earth.

A wonderful poem remindings us to take time to do the things we sometimes omit in our lives. Let this poem provide you with positive tips that will help your attitude if you implement them!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tongue's Are Wagging Over The Soul Talking!

Meditation is the tongue of the soul and the language of our spirit. --Jeremy Taylor.  

When we hear or think of meditation, it is often followed by a pause or a slight inside sigh...  I totally. get it! There is this automatic thought that is takes too much time and there is no way that you can truly clear your mind and reach a higher self.  

Is there really a higher self? Is it worth giving a try? What could there possibly be to lose? 

Only your time....

It makes the question come to mind... If we believe in a higher power that is possible to connect deeper with, why wouldn't we want to try? We are not here for BBQ's and no intent for our presence. 

Maybe we should think about it, perhaps at the start of meditation. 


Monday, July 29, 2013

How Are You Acting Today?

"Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.Plato

When people are nice to us we usually respond back in the same manner. Not always! I often notice my surroundings and have seen more "Empty Behavior" as I shall call it, when people are communicating in every single way.

On example is :
Sitting behind a car in a fast food drive-thru and waiting my turn. I listen to the car ahead of me.
The employee takes the order and I pull ahead to the next window. Where was the please and thank you? Why did it seem like it was a factory window and I was going to see the robot from Lost In Space there? Ok, showing age....moving on...

It seemed so robotic in nature, that I wondered where the people have went? Have we left our bodies while working and we are just physically present? Do we even car about the other person we are interacting with? 

Don't get me wrong here. I understand people have bad days and we do have a lot on our minds each day. Blah, blah, blah,... 

We have got to be more kind to one another.

We have got to remember that everyone is someone's child that God is letting us interact with for a reason.

What reason could you possibly have for not trying to be just a little more aware of good old fashioned kindness for just being present?

Have a wonderful start to a week of trying to be more aware of good old fashioned manners. Besides, when you smile we all see a window of hope for survival of Good!