lifecoachurself... the "UR" stands for "You Are," everything you need to be within yourself. You are an intrinsic part of the tapestry that carpets our universe. The couch is here for you to rest and relax. I hope to create more positive energy in your life and stimulate personal growth. Use positive influences to "Life Coach" yourself. "Help me, Help you"...
Monday, November 25, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
Internet Diet Great New Internet Diet Is Sweeping The World!
Take part of your real soul back. You know as well as I do that technology is wonderful and hurtful at the same time. Life seems to have this way about it. Your time on earth is for a purpose. Therefore, the internet may be included but is not suppossed to take away from who you are.
It is your choices that take you in a direction of joy or grief. These are just words that umbrella your directions. You have to start tending to your soul as much as you do your physical body of the flu. Get inside your own mind sitting quiet, looking at animals play, watching children, learning from your elders and so much more... (You know what I mean)
You know that you need to help yourself personally grow. It doesn't happen like puberty! You just do not want to stop and take the time. You are too busy...
If you believe in something more powerful than yourself that created you, then it is critical that you tend to your souls needs. It doesn't always involve a website or a tech gadget.
I adore you and appreciate the time you take to stop in. It's not that I want to discourage the tech use of today as a whole, but you HAVE to start looking at YOU...
Try the Internet Diet and watch your personal growth change. It will spurn off many little branches that you forgot about on your tree. Help the seeds of your soul grow.
Just try something different is all.
The law should state that all children get to chill out until their cartoons are over on Saturday mornings and then move forward with the days duties.
: ) I know what I'm doing Saturday. Sweet!
Wonderful Link For Further Info : Internet Diet Is Sweeping The World! Try it this weekend for FREE and get AMAZING RESULTS! Awesome Info at - http://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/untech-yourself.html