Monday, July 29, 2013

How Are You Acting Today?

"Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.Plato

When people are nice to us we usually respond back in the same manner. Not always! I often notice my surroundings and have seen more "Empty Behavior" as I shall call it, when people are communicating in every single way.

On example is :
Sitting behind a car in a fast food drive-thru and waiting my turn. I listen to the car ahead of me.
The employee takes the order and I pull ahead to the next window. Where was the please and thank you? Why did it seem like it was a factory window and I was going to see the robot from Lost In Space there? Ok, showing age....moving on...

It seemed so robotic in nature, that I wondered where the people have went? Have we left our bodies while working and we are just physically present? Do we even car about the other person we are interacting with? 

Don't get me wrong here. I understand people have bad days and we do have a lot on our minds each day. Blah, blah, blah,... 

We have got to be more kind to one another.

We have got to remember that everyone is someone's child that God is letting us interact with for a reason.

What reason could you possibly have for not trying to be just a little more aware of good old fashioned kindness for just being present?

Have a wonderful start to a week of trying to be more aware of good old fashioned manners. Besides, when you smile we all see a window of hope for survival of Good! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Clean Your Brain While You Exercise It

To strengthen your inner well being, you have to exercise your brain.  I know... exercise is not at the top of everyone's list on a daily basis. 

Everyone is getting much better at it though! 

So just give it a whirl~

Make a block of just 5 minutes today and tell yourself the good things about how you live your life. You will find things that have been dormant for quite some time...

Wonderful things about you have been sitting in your brains attic and it is not so clean in there! The dust need cleared and it is time recognize the qualities that make your spirit show who you are! 

Everything should not be tucked away and forgotten. Your life is part of who you are and the lessons and recognition should start within yourself. 

Clean out the old dusty stuff that does not even deserve the space any longer! Let the good things start flowing to the center of your mind and watch how fast it flows in...

You are responsible for showing your spectacular art to the universe! 

Remember your spirit and display your art to us! We love your creative energy, so let it out of the attic!

5min, that's all, I triple dog dare ya!


Monday, July 15, 2013

All Pictures Move

"Look through your eyes today as though everything is a picture. You will see the art in the photographs moving before you". Val~

Are we really looking at things we see before us or is it the same as saying, "I hear you" when we are not truly listening? Easier said than done in today's fast moving world. We can get scared when we stop and think of how quickly things are moving and changing.

One thing we can never forget is that we are valuable!

We have a reason for being here and it's not all about us! If we believe in something more powerful than ourselves, then we need to "Pay Attention Out There"!

Life has such a grand scale of unequivacal artwork that was created by something. We can argue about what, but the facts remain it was not us...

We are all important and need to appreciate everything that is out there.It could be taken away in a millisecond! 

Use your seconds wisely. You don't hold the timer to the clock...

A Universe Above The Coulds. 
This is as high as I go but I can only imagine what else is out there...