Friday, February 10, 2012

Are You Listening To What Your Soul Is Really Saying?

Thinking: the talking of the soul with itself.  Plato...  Are you a good listener?

Listening to the conversation in your heart and mind let you hear what your soul is saying.  How many times have we said to ourselves, "I knew I should have, I knew I shouldn't have, I had a bad feeling about that," ect... Your soul is an intrinsic part of your being. This is nothing new to us. Life Coaching yourself, or as I like to say "lifecoachurself," is a lot of listening to your soul.

I encourage you to find that time to listen. Hear what your saying. Ask the questions and listen for the answers. You are bright and connected to the universe. God will talk to you through your soul if you listen.

I hear you and I value you. I appreciate you being here and a part of something so wonderful in this world. You are pretty amazing you know!

Just being here is enlightening your awareness to yourself. We are pretty awesomesauce!

With my wrist healing up pretty well now there will be updated and added information very soon! I can not wait to share more things with you. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Charles Dickens Celebrates 200 Years Of Art

There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast.
Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens remains one of the best writers in history. A man who left the world a form of art that we cherish. Today has marked celebrations in England and all over the world. While the day is ending in England, it is beginning in other parts of the world. On behalf of America, I would like to wish what would be his 200th birthday today, to a writer that continues to impact the world.

Charles Dickens
Happy 200th, Birthday Sir.

Try to be a part of the beauty that surrounds you and remember that it is always there. We forget how breathtaking the smallest beam of light can be.

Enjoy a day of enlightening your mind and a night of splendor with beautiful light-show.