Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Do You Feel Entitled Or Worthy?

Are you entitled or worthy?

Engage more kindness and belief in your actions.  You are a beautiful package that was given to the universe to connect with.  The world is waiting for your energy connection~

Today can be a good day if you allow it to be. Have one, on me... :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What is growing under your feet?

"The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet." - James Oppenheim

The ability to be happy is right under your nose! Ok, your feet.

You are truly seeding, planting, growing, your very own "Atrium" of life.

It is very important to harvest all year.

Feel your steps through life and have the garden you always wanted! All you have to do is allow yourself to keep working on a more insightful and positive life.

Besides, your garden is important to the world.

Together, the world is just beautiful. Have a great day!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Wholey-Shift Relax

Studies have given us techniques and tools to help us relax. In reality we have the power within pour own selves. It has been there all the time.

Disconnect yourself from social media and technology during your weekend if you can. Some of us have our weekend during the week. It just depends on your jobs and life schedules.

I do not want you to forget your spirit and you need to let your mind, eyes, hands, ears, (you see where I am going here) relax.

Find quiet moments this weekend. Your mind and body miss your soul.

Have a soothing weekend and listen to yourself, your whole self-being.

For tips to relax from the Mayo Clinic:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Struggling To Reach Your Goal, Change Your Approach

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.
Mary Engelbreit

When we are not reaching a goal we often need to change our approach. Set a goal that is challenging but within reason. Stay committed until you see if your moving forward towards it. It is ok to change the path you are on to get there.

The journey that you are traveling in a positive direction will be a win-win situation. Making yourself positive goals for the New Year in 2012, is going to take you places that will enhance you life and those around you.